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Lulu Build Guide by phantom27

Lulu - magicale speed

Lulu - magicale speed

Updated on May 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author phantom27 Build Guide By phantom27 1,651 Views 0 Comments
1,651 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author phantom27 Lulu Build Guide By phantom27 Updated on May 1, 2012
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this is my build for as lulu. i call her as becaus as you can see from the items see mostly does magic dmg with her basic attack. it's my way to play her 3vs3 because for ap i think she is 2 squisy and building her fully ad wouldn't match with her passive. please leave a comment if you don't like my build and what would need to change (don't say she's support becaus so far i only played her 3vs3). for those who don't know lulu yet watch the champion spotlight first.

*i couldn't find the magic penetration runes so you need to switch the marks with the Quintessence*
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Pros / Cons

- good cc
- multiple uses for spells so you can adapt to each situation
- you get some free kills, because some idiots think you are easy 1on1
- good farm
- at lvl 18 your passive does more damage then teemo's e (without the bonus ap) without
it taking in the place of an other spell.

- you are squishy
- you are the main focus most of the times
- people will still expect you to support all the time
- avarage range
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MARK: for mark i take attackspeed, becaus thats what my build is about it also nakes the laning in the begining easier.

SEAL: for seal i take mana regen(you could take per lvl), becaus as as lulu you are still dependent of you abilaties more than most champions. you key to win is you great cc.

GLYPH: i take cooldown for GLYPH's for the same reason as the seals you still use your spells a lot. i had many fight in which i first used whimsy to make them a squirrel and then for bonus speed when they ran away. without the cd they would have escaped.

QUINTESSENCE: magic penetration comes in handy for extra dmg on your spells and to have you basic attacks harder. like i said you do more magic damage with your basic attacks then attack damage
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in early game lulu is still weak and you really need wit's end a.s.a.p. to do some epic damage. thats why i start with boots and potions to make the laning easier. the key items in my build are wit's end mardred and ionic spark, the others can change depending on the ssituaiton but it's best to keep this build in mind. black cleaver is good against armor and with [zeke's herald] you have some life steal for you and your team.

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help needed!

i would like to hear your opinion on things i should change or improve, but most of all i need some help. i want to know how to put in pictures to make my stories more clear and to make it better. i still want to add things like a champion section on how to handle them
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League of Legends Build Guide Author phantom27
phantom27 Lulu Guide
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Lulu - magicale speed

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