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Lulu Build Guide by ChrisGta

Lulu - The AP Carry Dominator

Lulu - The AP Carry Dominator

Updated on March 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChrisGta Build Guide By ChrisGta 9,596 Views 0 Comments
9,596 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ChrisGta Lulu Build Guide By ChrisGta Updated on March 24, 2012
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Hello Summoners!
This is my first build on MobaFire, just saying. NOTE that this build starts with Lulu as an AP Carry and then as a Supporter. I have tested this build many times. The result can be seen below. To get the most out of this build, please read the whole build (I know it's boring haha).
Don't get angry if you don't get kills cause assists matter more. Getting kills though is not bad, no matter you are a supporter.
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Skill Sequence

As for the skill sequence, I start withHELP, PIX! so as to have the necessary damage, which I max first which provides Lulu with a great damege and a very agile shield that can absorb a fair amount of damage. The rest,GLITTERANCE and WHIMSY have to be kinda equal, so keep them updated together in mid/late game.
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Skill Combination

Now, I will explain the order you should use your skills.
- A good offensive skill combo is WHIMSY on the enemy in order to transform him into a squirrel, slow him and silence him. WHIMSY should be now followed by HELP, PIX! on the enemy again, so as to damage him and send PIX on him. Now that PIX is on him, use GLITTERANCE and PIX will attack him. If successful, this combo will reduce at least 1/4 of the enemy health bar. Do this 3-4 times and BOOM. You got a kill.
- Another good offensive skill combo is HELP, PIX! on a minion (far from you, near the enemy) followed by GLITTERANCE on the enemy in order to damage him. This combo should be used only when you can't reach the enemy. If you can, use the first combo more often.
- A good defensive skill combo in order to escape (1v1 or gank) would be WHIMPSY on the most CC enemy (usually the Jungler), HELP, PIX! on you or even better the transformed enemy, followed by GLITTERANCE in order to slow him or both of them, if possible.
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General Information

Remeber to last hit minions (which is easier with Lulu's passive), not push very much and when your jungler comes for a gang, you should give him speed by using WHIMSY on him.
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If your team is NOT doing well you should consider replacing Mejai's Soulstealer with a Hextech Gunblade which provides you with a great ammount of lifesteal and spell vamp. You gain health from both your hits and PIX's hits. PIX's hits apply magic damage while your hits apply attack damage. The result is obvious. If you think Hextech is not a good option at this time, you should skip to Aegis of the Legion which is, in my opinion, one of the best supportive items in LoL.
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Match History

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Warding Guide

As a support champion, it usually falls to you or the jungler to assist your team in the purchase of wards - wards are game changing. They allow you to see an incoming attack, or a vulnerable target.
Wards can mean the difference between a kill and death - a win or a loss. Learning how to effectively use wards is a staple of a successful team.

For an extremely detailed guide on warding, I suggest: Panglot's ward guide


How effective a ward is depends entirely where it is place, no ward is wasted - but placing a ward in the most effective way can change the tide of the match.

There are two types of conventional wards (excluding champion abilities) those are:

Sight Wards

Vision Wards

Using the right ward for the situation is important, as a Vision Ward can shut down cloaked assassins before they ever begin.

In the image below, here are the most typical locations wards are place - that does not mean wards cannot be placed in other areas such as high traffic bushes and ect. but you can use this as a reference:
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Thanks for reading my build (my first build). This build is still being conducted. Votes would be really apreciated. Comment below and tell me how you did if you tried my build. Thanks again!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChrisGta
ChrisGta Lulu Guide
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Lulu - The AP Carry Dominator

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