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Malzahar Build Guide by Absynce

Malz - Dark Dominion

Malz - Dark Dominion

Updated on September 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Absynce Build Guide By Absynce 2,891 Views 0 Comments
2,891 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Absynce Malzahar Build Guide By Absynce Updated on September 27, 2011
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Malz is very sustainable in dominion you will be seeing more situations where you do not have time to retreat or wait for CDs is why I built hybrid and it seems to be working very well for me so far.
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9/0/21 to provide CD redux, regen, and some spell pen. malz is still mainly AP so you should gear yourself towards that goal, but with long CDs and no AP malz is caught with nothing very fast in dominion.
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straight AP
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hextech revolver works GREAT early game, its a lot of AP and keeps your health up so youre a lot harder to gank, between early spell vamp and clarity you will constantly be gaining health, this is why i went with mal visions and null zone rather then the silence, straight damage and regen push hard. clarity wont hold you up for too long though is why tear is next, then malady and you can tear through crowds pretty fast at that point, by the time you get gunblade you have insane health regen and you can use it to slow people and that makes it a hell of a lot easier to land malefic visions->null zone->ult/suppress combo which drops people very very fast because they are usually rushing into your minions to take a shot at you because of your damage, many times ill drop a garen or rammus trying to catch me in bushes with that combo esp if they went MR your malady finishes the last bit where you would fall short with straight AP. and hey if it dosent work out you can use the gunblade to slow and your flash to bail, by the time they get to your CP then youre prob back at full health from vamp/LS. Late game is obviously still AP, lich bane takes advantage of your malady and AP. between movement 3 boots util points and lich bane you move very fast and are very hard to take down.
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Summoner Spells

clarity/flash to constantly be able to lay down power and escape when needed. sustain is may better then pulling off a kill with an ignite or exhaust in dominion where kills are not as important as regular and its about zone control.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Absynce
Absynce Malzahar Guide
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Malz - Dark Dominion

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