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Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
This is my first build for lol.
I play him for a long time and i think that I got the best OP malz ever.
I hope you like it.
for my malz I take.
9x Greater mark of Inslight
9x Greater seals of Replenishment
9x Greater Glyph of Potency.
3x Greater Quintessence of Insight
I take my mark for magic pen.
Tats give you a lot of bonus for the begin.
I take the seal for my mana regenaration beacause you need that mana.
I take my glyph runes beacause you get a lot of bonus for your abitalys.
The Quintessence I take for the same reason as my marks
9x Greater mark of Inslight
9x Greater seals of Replenishment
9x Greater Glyph of Potency.
3x Greater Quintessence of Insight
I take my mark for magic pen.
Tats give you a lot of bonus for the begin.
I take the seal for my mana regenaration beacause you need that mana.
I take my glyph runes beacause you get a lot of bonus for your abitalys.
The Quintessence I take for the same reason as my marks
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