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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
first of malazahar in this build is a MID characher try never to go top or bot
Malefic visions is the mana generator of this build so it gets upgraded fully 1st
Call of the Void is chosen 1st because it can be use to check bushes and is continuely upgraded because the attack is a nuke(basicly keep useing this to take their health down to halfway before any combos
Nullzone is only to be used if A) for some reason your with a champion with a stun or B) right before your ult and then use your ult to freeze them in your trap
NetherGrasp is only to be used if nullzone and malific visions is not cooling down use them before
Voidlings are nice pets to have but they are stupid and only attack targets with Malefic Visions so wait until the vodling gets big before casting on a campion, i dont try to spam spells to get a voidling but they come as a nice surprise
Call of the Void is chosen 1st because it can be use to check bushes and is continuely upgraded because the attack is a nuke(basicly keep useing this to take their health down to halfway before any combos
Nullzone is only to be used if A) for some reason your with a champion with a stun or B) right before your ult and then use your ult to freeze them in your trap
NetherGrasp is only to be used if nullzone and malific visions is not cooling down use them before
Voidlings are nice pets to have but they are stupid and only attack targets with Malefic Visions so wait until the vodling gets big before casting on a campion, i dont try to spam spells to get a voidling but they come as a nice surprise
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