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Malzahar Build Guide by Rayaqin

Malzahar - make them vanish in the void

Malzahar - make them vanish in the void

Updated on August 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rayaqin Build Guide By Rayaqin 2,075 Views 0 Comments
2,075 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rayaqin Malzahar Build Guide By Rayaqin Updated on August 6, 2012
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Many players would disagree with my advices, but trust me, its working. Of course what you have to buy, who you have to focus at, what tactics u have to use, what skills you should prefer are depending on the actual match, and you can't have a build, which is working in every situations, but this one usually does.
I am a very limited player, as i mostly play with malzahar, and he is the only champion with which i can call myself a professional player. Players who are not malzahar-fanatics usually don't understand my way of playing, but if you want to rule with malza, I recommend to follow my lead.

Im not an expert with runes and masteries, u can change those to suit your needs.
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Early game

The point is to focus on last hits until you have your ultimate, and than destroy your opponent. Most of the time I can kill my opponent without the ultimate, but the safest tactic is this:
- You pay attention to your dot skill 1: get last hits 2: if possible let it bounce to the enemy player
- 1: If you can kill at least 3 minions with call of the void take the opportunity
2: If you can kill at least 2 minions and the opponent with call of the void, use it
Otherwise you should not, until you get your ultimate, coz its expensive.
- Even when there is no jungler and you are warded, its rarely adviced to push too much forward.
- When your enemy is at low hp, you can hit him with call of the void, flash at him/her and cast ignite+your dot, it usually surprises the enemy enough for you to get the kill.
- Be careful with the bigger minions and minions who are expected to move far away from the others, these circumstances can make your dot skill vanish, and makes you use mana again, which is unpreferable. Always pay attention to malefic visions.
- When you start at your base, you should cast 2 skills, to get 2 stacks on your next voidling.
- Your voidling is a powerful weapon. You can hit with it from far away and when you use it with ignite+malefic visions it is lethal. It is also useful when you have to help your malefic visions to bounce from minion to minion, and when you need something to protect you from turretfire ( in special cases ).
- When you have your ultimate, you have to compose these circumstances: 1: opponent at 75% hp, 2: available voidling, 3: enough mana to nullzone and ultimate, 4: available ignite. If you have these, your opponent will die for sure. ( around lvl 6 ) The tactic: Hit him/her with call of the void, flash, nullzone under enemy ( and place it to cover your opponents escape route ), ultimate, ignite ( you have to be close enough to the enemy to be able to use ignite while using your ultimate ), if you have enough mana, you can cast malefic visions too, after the ultimate, if needed.

I only advice early ganking in very special situations, because before u have your ultimate, you are very vulnerable.

In most cases you should wait until you can buy boots of speed and the blasting wand, before you recall, but it depends on the actual game.

Your major enemies in early game ( in my opinion ) are: Le blanc, lux, veigar, morgana but I rarely see professionals with these champions, however you will have to be very careful even with amateurs.
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Team Work

You don't really need the blue or the red buff or not that much. If anyone in your team needs it more than you do, pass it.

When you are hitting the dragon or the baron with your team, you are the one who covers them, boz of your large cds. You use your skills at the dragon, and than go to be the watchmen for your mates.

In teamfights you use your nullzone where you think your enemies will stay for the longest time, or in certain cases where they will run or where you don't want them to go.
Call of the void is important because of the silence and the instant, great dmg. You have to aim it perfectly, and silence the strongest, skill-depending champions. Use your ultimate carefully , especially when champions with CC are around. It has a relatively big cd. In large teamfights you have to calculate who is the most dangerous from the enemy team, and nullzone-ulti him/her when you know your partners can effectively attack.
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I think I listed most of the important things about malzahar. I hope you can use them well.

- Ray a qin -
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rayaqin
Rayaqin Malzahar Guide
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Malzahar - make them vanish in the void

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