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Ryze Build Guide by jundrami

Mid build for Ryze

Mid build for Ryze

Updated on October 2, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jundrami Build Guide By jundrami 4,313 Views 0 Comments
4,313 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author jundrami Ryze Build Guide By jundrami Updated on October 2, 2011
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This is a guide to help people own mid with ryze

Now i see a lot of Ryzes attempt to mid, yet they fail so terribly it makes me scream. I on the other hand have been told countless times that riot should ban ryze for how well i play as him. This is a guide to help you all learn how i use him. First off you should note that Ryze's spells gain damage the more mana you have, so its always smart to get as much mana as possible. Now it is important to know what sequence to use your abilities during combat. With ryze it is best to go W, E, Q. Only if the enemy has less than half of their health should you then use your ultimate before engaging. Ryze's ultimate gives extra mana and AOE damage that significantly increases damage that is dealt. Now i dont want to give away all my secrets for ryze because i dont want to see people owning me when i play against a ryze. But if you do follow these tips you should see yourself getting 20+ kills on some games with ryze. Good luck!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jundrami
jundrami Ryze Guide
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