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Swain Build Guide by emaor

mid lane swain guide

mid lane swain guide

Updated on July 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author emaor Build Guide By emaor 2,477 Views 0 Comments
2,477 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author emaor Swain Build Guide By emaor Updated on July 9, 2012
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i wanted to say this was made after the swain nerf with his attack range and everything else.
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i enjoy to take mana/mana regen in glyphs. then for seal i use health in order to sustain. then for quintessence i use magic pen. finally for marks i get abilitie power to deal damage.
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i take all the mana cdr and get the gold. so 30 in utilitie
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i start with Boots of Speed and three health potions and one mana potion. on my first back i get a Doran ring for hp mana regen and ap. next i get Catalysk the Protector and Blasting wand. then i get Rod of Ages and get a Needlessly Large Rod and Blasting to get Rabadon's Deathcap. then i get another Needlessly Large Rod to get Zhoynas Hourglass. i then get Amplifying Tome then get Hextech Revolver. i then get Blasting wand and get my Will of the Ancients. i then get yet another Blasting wand and a Negatron cloak to get Abyssal Scepter.
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Summoner Spells

i take Flash and Ignite. my reasons are: Flash allows you to escape from ganks and allows you to Flash ult Zhoynas Hourglass to distrupt the enemy team. i get ignite to pick off kills and to help aid me where i can die and get a kill.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author emaor
emaor Swain Guide
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mid lane swain guide

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