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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Silverbud

MordeKaiser's Combo

MordeKaiser's Combo

Updated on June 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Silverbud Build Guide By Silverbud 35,563 Views 0 Comments
35,563 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Silverbud Mordekaiser Build Guide By Silverbud Updated on June 6, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


MordeKaiser: The King of Combo !

Hi everyone.

I would like to share this build with you because i v had a lot of success with it. The idea is to chain all your abilities in less than 3 sec on 1 enemy.

Lining with a good cc'er such as Alistar will make your combo easy to do without any luck for the enemy to run away.
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Pros / Cons


Massive Health for building an AP Kaiser
Huge combo
Great Farming

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For surviability i would suggest to get some runes of resiliences, but also take 3 quint of Potency for some ability power.
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Skill Sequence and Combo

Here are the steps:

1) Prepare Mace of Spades
2) Flash right nex to the enemy
3) Hit Mace of Spades + Syphon of destruction
4) Ignite
5) Children of the Grave
6) Deathfire Grap
7) Mace of Spades and Syphon of destruction cooldowns should be up.

This combo allow you to kill in a couple of sec most of the players caster or full AD/AP.
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Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite.

Flash can be used aggressivly by flashing right next to a ranged ennemy for example, allowing you to be at close range very quickly

Ignite added to children of graves is great for a big DOT.
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One of the easiest thing to do with Mordekaiser.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Silverbud
Silverbud Mordekaiser Guide
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MordeKaiser's Combo

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