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Morgana Build Guide by Shadowraven12

Morg the Guardian Angel

Morg the Guardian Angel

Updated on August 13, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shadowraven12 Build Guide By Shadowraven12 3,745 Views 0 Comments
3,745 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shadowraven12 Morgana Build Guide By Shadowraven12 Updated on August 13, 2011
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This will be my first guide build, so if there's anything that I could do to improve this guide, please let me know.

Morgana: the what in the world are you? Morgana is a mage support who's ult requires her to either be extremly stealthty, or really tanky, in order to get it off in a team fight with good results. otherwise you just end up ulting the tanks or something stupid like that. The msot annoying thing about using this champion is that her ultimate pretty much goes against her role. (more later)
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Tips n Strat Yo

Ok, reason why I have heal on her is becuz with 15% cdr and 30 sec cdr with masteries the cdr on it is fairly low, and I have a thing for supports who can heal. The 2 core items here are Morellos and DEFINITELY GA. as Morgana you have to be able to spam your spells constantly in team fights. your teleport is so you can farm well late game, and your heal is so after you've charged into the center of everything, tanking as many hits that come at you. use your soul shackles and get focused. your shield and improved mr and armor (due to runes and GA) will probably buy you about 2 seconds worth of soul shackle. Use heal to geat one more second in before dying and getting revived, meaning they have one second left to escape(probably not gonna happen). After reviving and getting soul shackles off you won't be seen as first priority, so dnt worry about saving your heal for after revival. just spam all your skills, shield your carries, snare their squishies, and soil whereever they're crowded. As Morgana, you are constantly spamming all of your skills, and that's why we took those 6%cdr masteries and picked up Morello's Tome. IMO Morgana can be even better than Janna, seeing as she robs players of what they value most "hard CC". the fact that she can cast her shield on anyone, and allow them to take multiple CC hits without any effect can be devestating (that and your 2 second stuns and 3 second snares at max level).

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shadowraven12
Shadowraven12 Morgana Guide
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Morg the Guardian Angel

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