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Morgana Build Guide by DPascalain

Morgana 3vs3 build AP/Health

Morgana 3vs3 build AP/Health

Updated on September 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DPascalain Build Guide By DPascalain 8,367 Views 0 Comments
8,367 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DPascalain Morgana Build Guide By DPascalain Updated on September 3, 2011
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INTRODUCTION 3vs3 (Morgana, The Fallen Angel)
As we can see, morgana is not a real big full DPS, so in 3vs3 I'll guide you a little bit.
If you realy want to play Morgana (The Fallen Angel) you'll need to have a good team with.
-my 3 bests partners who I prefer to play with are
and -Warwick

Cause of his (Heartseeker Strike) that make him hit 100% of the casting cause Morgana's "Snair" (Dark Binding) the others players.
the first reason why I choose him is cause of his (Fling) and the second is (Poison Trail). That make singed be able to do is Fling all the time and cause a lot of damage and the rest of the time (poison trail) do the job.

The last I chose is Warwick because he is a great DPS against everyone and have a lot of lifesteal so if he is low HP, morgana do his (Dark Binding) and after that "Ww" can lifesteal the other with (Hungering Strike) to deal a lot of damage without backing and healing the caster.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DPascalain
DPascalain Morgana Guide
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