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Ability Order
Soul Siphon (PASSIVE)
Morgana Passive Ability
Telport - going to places quickly
Ignite - get the job done
Flash - if you want to run for ur life
Ghost - replacment to flash
If Wanted
Clarity - if you are a harras or just mana hungry but it's not very good for late game
Clease - u got ur snare and utl right?
Exhaust - ^^
Not Needed
Fortify - for tank
Clarivoyance - for support
Heal - ur like a tank kinda ish =P
Smite - not a jungler
Revive - you can w8 right?
Rally - ....................................
Telport - going to places quickly
Ignite - get the job done
Flash - if you want to run for ur life
Ghost - replacment to flash
If Wanted
Clarity - if you are a harras or just mana hungry but it's not very good for late game
Clease - u got ur snare and utl right?
Exhaust - ^^
Not Needed
Fortify - for tank
Clarivoyance - for support
Heal - ur like a tank kinda ish =P
Smite - not a jungler
Revive - you can w8 right?
Rally - ....................................
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