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Morgana Build Guide by sanchesz

Morgana Carry ranked games

Morgana Carry ranked games

Updated on September 9, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sanchesz Build Guide By sanchesz 2,923 Views 0 Comments
2,923 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sanchesz Morgana Build Guide By sanchesz Updated on September 9, 2011
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Hello my name is Sanchesz and i play LoL since season 0. Sorry for my english. (Im dutch)

I have made this guide because morgana is/was and underrated AP carry
and i will show with just this build how u can destroy other team's
and make your own team a Solid reliable team.

I play morgana Top/Mid SOLO this is a MUST because u will need the farm.
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Skill sequence

Oke so i took pool as first skill this depends on if your team is willing to invade jungle or not otherwise i would recommend Dark Binding.

When u have your pool level 3 it will kill the 3 caster creeps so u your farm will be insane.

I will take shield at level because u will always be immune to alot of slows/suppres ETC u will almost be ungankable. (Only level up shield instead of dark binding if have a real hard time against an AP carry or there exists of alot AP carry's
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Why i chose this items ?

Because they help you with laning like no other items these items also turn into insane late game items like RoA.

However u can choose to pick Zhonya hourglas first instead of Raba deathcap if ur having a hard time stayling alive just flash in Ulti pop zhonya= WIN this is a great strat too help your team.
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Laning phase

This is the part were u are going too shine !

U are great at laning with your passive u can stay the lane for a really long time.
with your pool u can farm greatly and your autoattacks will also do a great amount of damage for an AP carry. Because of your shield u can almost every time escape ganks.

Note: Once u have cataclyst u will be the ultimate laner in this game.

If u are a good morgana player u can already have taken some kills in your lane (really depends who u are laning against just keep in mind, farm farm farm and carry the game!
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Once teamfights will start to begin u will probably already have your RoA with an few stacks and an needlessly large rod or an blasting wand.

Morgana is really good at poking and if u can land an succesfull dark binding on a misplaced Carry its GG teamfight. However against a good team there wont be many misplaced carry's your job is to skill hit the dark binding and trying to MASS CC enemy team or just focus kill there CARRY's.

Also if they focus u have quite the HP pool and if laned well u can also easy stay alive out Damage and poke them Really good!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sanchesz
sanchesz Morgana Guide
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Morgana Carry ranked games

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