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Morgana Build Guide by pepante

Morgana - Fallen pwnsor angel

Morgana - Fallen pwnsor angel

Updated on August 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pepante Build Guide By pepante 2,469 Views 1 Comments
2,469 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pepante Morgana Build Guide By pepante Updated on August 10, 2011
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Fast guide: how to kill 1v1

if they get close cast yourbefore they got stunned cast yourso they will recieve a great impact from the second hit of your; beforeends use yourso you will hit a lot more thanks tosecondary effect.
if he/she are not dead yet:
1: he/she is a tank... it was a bad idea
2: use your... if they are still alive (i dont think so), cast another.
PD: dont be afraid... you passive will save you ;)
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Most people see morgana as a support champion or as an usseles pick.
i made this guide to show you that morgana can be an awesome caster DPS a great mid and great on lanes.
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Pros / Cons

-great damage
-lot of cc
-Low mana on early game
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Skill Sequence

-Soul Siphon (passive): this will give you the ultimate advantage while soloing a lane... you will heal a lot, if you are low on hp and its not wise to go B juston minion mass
-Dark Binding: Altrought its hard to hit with it, its an incredible damage at early, mid and late game, remeber to aim where the other champion is going to be, not where he is... and trust its incredible range.
-Tormented Soil: DPS spell a good convination to any other spell as it reduce enemys magic resist. a nice spell for farming, if you cast it between melee and range minions you can kill them all. Use it after snaring or stunning, thats will hurt more that they think
-Black Shield: I think this is just OP. you can break any gank with this, they wont stun you and its enought time to go to your turret and save yourself, or to cast it before engaging another mage saving HP and preventing spell effects. Use it, dont think abouth it. dont be afraid of using it plz. ^^
-Soul Shackles: Lvl 6, time to kill :D very usefull spell with a huge amount of damage, slow and stun. if you enemy is more likely to scape snare him for example ezreal or someone with flash, it will be easier to get them snared while they are slowed or stunned, also a good combo with tormented soil.
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i dont have much to say abouth items... those items will make you survive if you use this champion wisely.
you will get tons of ap, some good hp armor and magic ressist.andare not core items and can be replaced depending on the game.

3HP, mana and MR a nice item it will give you ap coz we have archangels staff :D

4get rid of those ad carry.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pepante
pepante Morgana Guide
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Morgana - Fallen pwnsor angel

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