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Morgana Build Guide by Erdwelt

Morgana - killer in 3vs3! Absolute!

Morgana - killer in 3vs3! Absolute!

Updated on August 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Erdwelt Build Guide By Erdwelt 4,274 Views 0 Comments
4,274 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Erdwelt Morgana Build Guide By Erdwelt Updated on August 11, 2011
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Hi, my english isn't well so please try excuse my mistakes. :) And it is my first guide. I'm playing Morgana really long time and I know something about her. This build is fitsing at 3vs3 game mod. Becouse I don't play 5vs5. My Morgana's build is really wery simple becouse I can't imagine others passiblities. Everything what I wrote here absolute fits on her. Or I just hope. -_-
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I never use runes /at lvl 18. Becouse I play only 3vs3 and here is the most important start of the match. So you need everything at the start game and not on lvl 18 like in 5vs5.

Marks - Greater Mark Of Insight
It is good choice. You have mag. pen. and this you need it everytime.

Others passibilities I can't imagine. If you will explore any others passibilites pls write me e-mail. :)

Seals - Greater Seal Of Replenishment
Morgana have a lot of troubles with mana in early game so she need it.

As other passibiliti is Greater Seal of Focus

Glyphs - Greater Glyph Of Potency
Abliti power. What more? You really need it on first blood. And first blood is deciding the game. You will doing bigger dmg and you'll have bigger chance to get kill.

Quintessence - Greater Quintessence Of Potency
More and more abliti power. :)

Others runes what can be used are: greater quintessence of focus and greater quintenssence of insight.
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Here you can use 9/0/21 or 21/0/9. In these combinations you can little bit change placement of individual masteries. But I'm reccomending this order and 9/0/21. If you will find any better combination pls write my email. Becouse most important is do Morgana the best hero in whole game! :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Erdwelt
Erdwelt Morgana Guide
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Morgana - killer in 3vs3! Absolute!

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