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Morgana Build Guide by Patroks

Morgana Vamping 3v3

Morgana Vamping 3v3

Updated on August 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Patroks Build Guide By Patroks 6,743 Views 0 Comments
6,743 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Patroks Morgana Build Guide By Patroks Updated on August 11, 2011
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Just a Morgana build I found that gives good early to late game play. With Spell Vamp by mid game, combined with Morgana's 35% passive spell vamp, you rarely die.
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Its really up to you what runes you use, but I find using 3 ap rune sets allows for a lot of extra damage early game, which can change the outcome of a game by getting those early kills. Health Seals per level also work.
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In masteries you've got the obvious points in magic penetration and the rest in Utility, but with Burning Embers instead of Presence of the Master, you can get that extra 10 ap at the start, when which is combined with ap runes can add up to over 55 ap right at the start. But you can put it in Presence if you feel it to be more useful.
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Starting with Dorans Ring for that extra HP and AP, then going to Sorcerer's Shoes is the basic build for Morgana. But from there I like to grab a bit of HP with Ruby Crystal. After that the main parts of the build are grabbed. With Mejai's SoulStealer and Morgana's lack of dieing if played correctly, can mean 160 AP + 20% less CD's for a low cost of 1200. After this you want to get Catalyst the Protector to help with Morgana's mana problem and to give yourself a bit more laneing sustainability. By now its about mid game, where your passive gives 35% spell vamp, so getting Will of the Ancients can give you a total of 60% Spell Vamp which heals for a lot when farming or fighting. Finally you want to complete the build by either making a Rod of Ages or Banshees Veil, depending on the situation. And to finish, a Deathcap just to give that extra AP. If for some reason its not gg, then take your pick for the item to replace Dorans Ring.
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Skill Sequence

Pretty basic, Dark Binding for easy kill at the start, then getting one on each skill for more versatility, led by enough on Tormented Soil to kill minions without having to finish them off. Then maxing Dark Binding, Tormented Soil, and obviously maxing Black Shield last.
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Summoner Spells

Your choice really, but Clarity is a must with Morgana's mana problems. Ignite if you wish to have that extra 10 AP.
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After gank usually you'll want to solo top, as Morgana is a great annoyer. Stay back long enough to get Tormented Soil, and try to place on minions and champions at the same time. After weakening enough with this, a Dark Binding, Tormented Soil, and Ignite (if you have it) is bound to get a kill. Use your Dark Binding for chasing and escaping, as well as your ultimate.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Patroks
Patroks Morgana Guide
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Morgana Vamping 3v3

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