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Janna Build Guide by Jiiyeon

My Own Janna Support Build

My Own Janna Support Build

Updated on July 13, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jiiyeon Build Guide By Jiiyeon 2,206 Views 0 Comments
2,206 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jiiyeon Janna Build Guide By Jiiyeon Updated on July 13, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Janna
  • LoL Champion: Janna


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal



I haven't tried the runes yet but you should just choose the one you prefer. But when I have the money for it I'll probably use the Greater Quintessence of Vitality. You can just replace some items if your enemy is like more ability power in stead of attack damage or something. I also suggest you use Zeke's Herald only if you have a nice AD carry.

The second build is just an idea to make sure I can do some damage if my teammates die. Because untill now I always have the same problem: My whole team is dead and I'm alone but I can't really do much because 1) I don't do any damage at all and 2) I'm pretty squishy so I'll probably die soon too. With this build I can make sure that I'll do some damage and that my shield absorbs more damage so thats 2 in 1 :D

With these runes you'll have 27,54 + 14,85 + 5,31 + 5,31 = 53,01 ability power at lvl 18.
With your masteries you'll have 53,01 + 21 + 5% = 77,71 AP @ Lvl 18 :D
Or you use the cooldown runes and then you'll have 40% cooldown reduction.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jiiyeon
Jiiyeon Janna Guide
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