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Ability Order
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Really strong atm.
Spear shot and hss does tons of damage.
He is even tougher the Leonidas.
His ult is badass (not global anymore but still fast)
His laning against range characters is pretty strong.
Late game its harder for you to kill because your a 1on1 fighter.
He wants to be a baker.....
Really strong atm.
Spear shot and hss does tons of damage.
He is even tougher the Leonidas.
His ult is badass (not global anymore but still fast)
His laning against range characters is pretty strong.
Late game its harder for you to kill because your a 1on1 fighter.
He wants to be a baker.....
For masteries i go:
I use these masteries if i go solo top or mid. Because usually if you go top you will come against a tanky dps like Jax and the dodge will help you with that. And the extra magic res and armor is pretty cool for early game.
I use these masteries when i go duo lane bot. You need the extra exp and the reduced time spent dead is pretty good. Why i put 3 points in Good Hands instead of Perseverence, i like Good Hands more. But if you want to put 3 points in Perseverence its your call.
I use these masteries if i go solo top or mid. Because usually if you go top you will come against a tanky dps like Jax and the dodge will help you with that. And the extra magic res and armor is pretty cool for early game.
I use these masteries when i go duo lane bot. You need the extra exp and the reduced time spent dead is pretty good. Why i put 3 points in Good Hands instead of Perseverence, i like Good Hands more. But if you want to put 3 points in Perseverence its your call.
Mid or Solo Top:
Start with Boots of Speed 2 hp pots and 1 mana pot.
First recall try to get a Dorans blade and 1 Long Sword. (if you have a hard time get 2 Dorans blades instead of the long sword)
Mid Game Build should look like this:
Dorans Blade, Merc Threads, Brutalizer (and if you were killing everyone and owning a Bf sword).
2 ways to go in Late Game Builds:
Not glass cannon but also not tanky either.
1 Dorans Blade 2 Merc Threads/Ionian Boots 3 Ghostblade 4 Infinity Edge 5 Frozen Mallet 6 Last Whisper (if stacking armor) or else Bloodthirster.
OffTank Pantheon
1 Dorans blade 2 Merc Threads/Ionian Boots 3 Warmogs Armor 4 Atmas Impaler 5 Frozen Mallet 6 Defensive item your choice usually i go Guardian Angel.
Going duo bot lane with support?
Start with Dorans Blade instead of Boots.
Start with Boots of Speed 2 hp pots and 1 mana pot.
First recall try to get a Dorans blade and 1 Long Sword. (if you have a hard time get 2 Dorans blades instead of the long sword)
Mid Game Build should look like this:
Dorans Blade, Merc Threads, Brutalizer (and if you were killing everyone and owning a Bf sword).
2 ways to go in Late Game Builds:
Not glass cannon but also not tanky either.
1 Dorans Blade 2 Merc Threads/Ionian Boots 3 Ghostblade 4 Infinity Edge 5 Frozen Mallet 6 Last Whisper (if stacking armor) or else Bloodthirster.
OffTank Pantheon
1 Dorans blade 2 Merc Threads/Ionian Boots 3 Warmogs Armor 4 Atmas Impaler 5 Frozen Mallet 6 Defensive item your choice usually i go Guardian Angel.
Going duo bot lane with support?
Start with Dorans Blade instead of Boots.
I usually go this skill sequence but its just a preference.
Max Spear Shot First.
Max Heartseeker Strike Second.
Max Aegis of Zeonia Last.
Max Grand Skyfall everytime you can.
You can also max Heartseeker first but spear shot is stronger imo. And is more spammable early on then your Heartseeker.
Max Spear Shot First.
Max Heartseeker Strike Second.
Max Aegis of Zeonia Last.
Max Grand Skyfall everytime you can.
You can also max Heartseeker first but spear shot is stronger imo. And is more spammable early on then your Heartseeker.
For summoner spells i go.
Exhaust and Flash.
Other good summoner spells are.
Ghost, but i prefer Flash myself.
Revive, isnt as good as it used to be but still ok.
Teleport, you can use this if you want better map control but i never used it.
Ignite, is possible but i like exhaust better on AD characters.
The rest is not good on Pantheon.
Exhaust and Flash.
Other good summoner spells are.
Ghost, but i prefer Flash myself.
Revive, isnt as good as it used to be but still ok.
Teleport, you can use this if you want better map control but i never used it.
Ignite, is possible but i like exhaust better on AD characters.
The rest is not good on Pantheon.
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