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Nautilus Build Guide by kenl

Tank Nautilius Ap/tank build - La da di La di da...

Tank Nautilius Ap/tank build - La da di La di da...

Updated on September 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kenl Build Guide By kenl 1,558 Views 0 Comments
1,558 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kenl Nautilus Build Guide By kenl Updated on September 27, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite




Now if you are like me and you dont know how to jungle and you like damage... this is the build for you. In early game Nautilius can deal alot of damage + supporting... Now, i recommend to go with a ranged AD carry, or any other ranged champ, for distance harassment of course. it will be alot easier to pick up kills when the enemy champion h*** less the 50% health, by simply just pull yourself to him by using your Q and then damage him with your E and the rest you can leave to your partner, if this wont do the job you have your Ingnite too. Nautilius is a VERY slow champion, with enchanted lvl 2 shoes he got only 370 speed movement which is ver slow therefoore i recommend to start with Boots of Swiftness for lvl 3 enchanted shoes to go up to 390 speed movement, not very fast but... you know... the deffensive part we will leave for later. (excuse me for my bad English...)
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Now iw ill explain about the item's:
Athene's Unholy Grail - 90 AP + 40 Magic resistance + Mana regen (very important) + Cooldown reduction For the skills which it takes them forever to cooldown... believe me...

And now for the HP i reccomend 'Warmong's Armor' - 920 Health + Massive regen (congrats you are now a tank...)

Frozen hart grants you 99Armor + 500 mana (congrats again you are now indistructible)

Now if you think you are now tanky enough and not strong enough... YOU ARE WRONG
Rylai's Crystal Scepter grant you 80 AP + 500 HP (if you reached yourself to here... just stop and wait for enemy team to surrender...)

And finally you got rabadon... well its +140 AP and 30%... you are OP now... you are done...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kenl
kenl Nautilus Guide
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Nautilius Ap/tank build - La da di La di da...

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