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Kayle Build Guide by ActionAbe

AP Carry New 3v3 Straight Burst Kayle!

AP Carry New 3v3 Straight Burst Kayle!

Updated on November 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ActionAbe Build Guide By ActionAbe 2,147 Views 0 Comments
2,147 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ActionAbe Kayle Build Guide By ActionAbe Updated on November 2, 2012
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I know that at first glance, this build looks a bit sketchy, but, it works for me. You may think that the rune set up looks bad, or that the build is completely glass cannon... You are right. To be honest, this is my first build to be posted and it is VERY unorthodox.
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Why These Runes?

I'LL TELL YOU WHY! actually... I won't... OK, maybe I will...
The whole reason I have this page is because I enjoy having steady inclination of ability power so that my damage never really drops off. It gives a good amount of ability power at the beginning of the game to allow you to get a more utility starting item (such as boots) rather than some expensive AP item.
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What's Up With Those Masteries?

YES! I'm glad you asked! This mastery page works well for me because my teammates understand that the way I play Kayle is very squishy, and they know that if they protect me, I will be a complete wrecking ball of AOE damage, movement speed and slows. If you are debating using this build, make sure that your teammates know what you plan to do before the game starts and you catch them off guard.
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Items, Items, Items!

Everyone knows that your build helps determines your role in the game. This build works well ON 3V3s, if you try to pull this garbage on 5s, you will probably have to bring a fire extinguisher, 'cause you will take some heat from your team. Again, back to what I said about the mastery build, you need to make sure that your allies know what you are going to do BEFORE YOU DO IT!
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Summoner Spells Too Stronk

Yes, I know I spelt it wronk...
I use ghost and exhaust because they just seem to work well on Kayle. Her heal also gives move speed, so if you stacked ghost and her "E" together, you get some massive bonuses (also the mastery buffs ghost). Exhaust is simply used so you can keep up to the enemy and blast em while they have lowered magic resist (again, from the masteries).
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-You deal a considerable amount of damage!
-Tons of move speed = map mobility = map control (all about those altars)!
-Your ultimate is useful in team-fights as an initiator or a life-saver!
-Farming is easy due to massive AOE damage!

-Quite squishy
-Once you get into a fight, you are committed (summoner spells on cool-down, "E" on cool-down, etc.
-You are very reliant on strong teammates, you need their CC (slows, stuns, snares, etc. etc.)
-You will have a pretty slow start (her abilities are not that great early on)
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