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Nidalee Build Guide by Azz289

Nidalee the Hybrid Huntress

Nidalee the Hybrid Huntress

Updated on July 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azz289 Build Guide By Azz289 1,110 Views 0 Comments
1,110 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Azz289 Nidalee Build Guide By Azz289 Updated on July 12, 2012
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About Me

Im no special or famous player but maybe a little above average especially whilst playing with Nidalee. Since I started playing league of legends last year Nidalee has been my favourite champion and in my opinion is the most highly mobile champion along with others such as Lee Sin and Leblanc. Nidalee will always have a unique element and taking half a AD carry's HP off with a single Javelin Toss is devastating.
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There are few dwellers, let alone champions, residing in the blasted and dangerous lands that lie south of the Great Barrier. Much of that world still bears the scars of past Runes Wars, especially the mysterious ***ungu Jungle. There are long-forgotten treasures in these strange places which many risk life and limb to acquire. The champion known as Nidalee was only a young girl travelling with her treasure-seeking parents when they lost their way in the dense, rainy jungles. The jungle was unforgiving, and she watched her parents suffer agonizing final days as they fell victim to a mysterious and vicious disease.

As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable jungle by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and a fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of that place and she was taken in by a family of cougars and raised as one of their own. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her feline affectation. On one pivotal day in her life, standing over the torn remnants of a Noxian squad of woodcutters, Nidalee chose to rejoin the so-called civilized world, to fight in the League of Legends so as to protect the vast woods from both Demacia and Noxus.

Nidalee was taught to fight by her feline family, battling viciously with tooth and nail. Something in her feline ways may draw you to her, but remember that she is no pussycat.
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Pros / Cons

Strong laner
High sustainability
Easy to farm past level 6
Highly Mobile
'W' Extreme Escapes, Gap closing and wall hopping
Spears hurt!


No CC at all
Really weak pre level 6
Very squishy
Heavy mana costs if spamming heals/spears all day
Played best with good ward useage
Good team comp to be Ultra sucessful
Needs to farm well (Pretty easy as Nidalee with 'E')
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Runes are a vital part of any build, and playing with no runes puts you at a severe disadvantage especially early game where Nidalee is at her weakest.


Greater Quintessence of Strength

I use these over the Greater Quintessence of Ability Power as I prefer the auto attack harass and last hitting potential pre level 6. You need to use auto attacks to harass them, otherwise a good solo top will just push keep themselves sustained and beat you in lane.

Greater Mark of Desolation Greater Mark of Desolation

Again, same as above this will help maximize your poking potential early game especially if playing solo top where players will sometimes start with Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potion.

Greater Seal of Resilience

Armor seals are a standard choice for solo top or you will just die to pokes. No other seals compare. Get these!

Greater Glyph of Warding

Flat MR runes are always useful against any team comp, You dont want a annoying mid (VEIGAR AND LEBLANC) coming top and one-shotting you.
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Masteries are a normal AP build, But with Brute Force instead of your typical Mental Force as the extra AD early game is far superior you the 4 AP bonus on spears and your heal.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azz289
Azz289 Nidalee Guide
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Nidalee the Hybrid Huntress

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