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Nidalee Build Guide by Tyval

Nidalee The Untameable

Nidalee The Untameable

Updated on September 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tyval Build Guide By Tyval 2,794 Views 0 Comments
2,794 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tyval Nidalee Build Guide By Tyval Updated on September 5, 2012
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Nidalee The Untameable

Nidalee is a Viable champion both AD and AP i hear a lot of debate which is better which is why i always say i prefer a Hybrid Nidalee. She's much more Vesitile this way in my opinion she can help to heal the team while still doing a fair amount of damage. Also hold her own against quiet a few champions 1v1 if you play her correctly (implying there's a correct way to play her).
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Game play tips

Alright now game play during team fights i recommend playing the edges as your human form Throwing spears traps and healing until your cooldowns are up, then switch to your cat form and do as much damage as possible by this time one of the teams should be retreating. Should it be the enemy team retreating then chase in your cat form if they're to far away to do damage then switch to your human form and throw a spear (hope for the best :[ ). On the occasion that your team is retreating then cat form is best head for ledges to pounce over and always try and run through bushes when ever possible. On a side note if the enemy team has a Rengar, then i suggest Avoiding bushes and sticking to a lane and pounce away like you normally would.

During your lane phase if you're with the AD carry cs very little you'll have your chance late game to get some. if you're in top lane or mid then cs all you want like you normally would. Poking at the enemy is a must even if you waste a little mana in the process throw spears but moderate your mana use or you could end up in trouble.
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Basically play smart don't jump right into fights like you're an initiator your not your an hybrid carry...who just so happens to be able to support. I hope this guide helps you play or even learn Nidalee she's a great champion and every enjoyable.If you've read one of my other builds you'll know i don't put my reasons for Runes, Items, blah blah blah. it's because i feel i shouldn't have to explain them they're pretty self explanatory in my opinion. if you truly want to ask me WHY i did something in one of my builds PM or add me I'm on alot if im not on then i'll get back to you as soon as i summoner name is Tyval. Just please be sure to state which build and what it was i did.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tyval
Tyval Nidalee Guide
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Nidalee The Untameable

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