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Nocturne Build Guide by Your Dadday

Jungle Nocturne - Whose Your Dadday?

Jungle Nocturne - Whose Your Dadday?

Updated on October 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Your Dadday Build Guide By Your Dadday 6 1 7,713 Views 1 Comments
6 1 7,713 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Your Dadday Nocturne Build Guide By Your Dadday Updated on October 6, 2024
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Runes: These are the runes to use

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Must for this build
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Nocturne - Whose Your Dadday?

By Your Dadday
Early game
This is the fun part! When the game starts, immediatly run to enemy jungle camp. Always try and take two camps. So if you start top side, run to enemy blue and if you can, take blue and gromp. If you get spotted, just back off and head to your red. See if your team will leash for you (most don't leash right now in this meta but it does help) then full clear.

If you start bot side, run to enemies Red and try and take that with Raptors on your way out. Head down to your jungle and clear. If you are able to do this and clear your camps, the game is pretty much over. The enemy jungler will be so hard behind and you just snowball.

Feel free to invade and fight since your lethal tempo, your passive and ignite are all great dueling mechanisms. Just be careful of enemy team rotating towards you.
Mid Game
Control objectives! Prioritize objectives and farm. If you see a gank you can use your ult with to secure a kill, go for it. But really you should only be ganking when most of your camps are dead. Even if enemy jungler is up in kills, you should really care about your level. Invade as much as possible and use ignite to your advantage as hardly any junglers have it. This gives you such a great advantage and you really need to take advantage of it.
Late Game
Work with your team to get picks and when you do, get baron. If you play this right, you should be ahead of enemy jungler and with your items you melt dragons..... Tell your team NOT TO COME TO DRAGON!!!!!!!! Because this build makes you a little squishier than normal (especially before black cleaver or deaths dance), team fights are NOT your friends. Tell your team to stay in lanes so the enemy has to choose. They either contest you for dragon, or lose towers, inhib or sometimes even the game... Seriously though, tell your team not to come to dragon. You should solo it. If the enemy jungler comes to contest, ult him, ignite, kill him then take dragon.

You should really only do baron once you have a pick and numbers advantage. This is different than dragon. You WANT YOUR teammates at baron with you! But remember you'll be squishier than normal. So make sure you control the map before taking baron. Usually you don't take baron if all 5 enemies are up. The enemy can burst you, then their jungler can smite and steal the baron. So use your brain a little here and you'll be fine.
Who am I?
I'm Your Dadday! I finished last season Emerald 3 but was ranked #14 Nocturn on NA. Currently I'm Plat 4 and am really going to try and climb this season. I'm hoping to hit Masters. With this build I've played against Masters teams and won with it. It works but you need to know the champion. This build can easily carry you out of Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Plat once you know how to play and not just dive pointlessly on enemy team.

Any questions, feel free to add me Your Dadday#NA1. I appreciate you reading! Good luck out there!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Your Dadday
Your Dadday Nocturne Guide
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Nocturne - Whose Your Dadday?

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