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Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
Quick Guide & Summary
This is my first guide, thank you to Falseogod for the advice
This build is for a AP off tank with early sustain and alot of health/damage output. Here is a quick look into the guide if you know what your doing;
Items - Gives the health, AP and unique item buffs which coats swain in a sugary goodness
Runes - Once again looking for the health, AP and magic pen required for a lovely game ahead
Masteries - Focusing mainly on damage output as the items will provide a nice tanky feel
Skills - Maxing out that lovely DOT which makes every other ability hit much harder
Spells - Standard escape/chase and ANOTHER lovely DOT with true damage. Need I say more?
Standard starting items, gives movement speed and a stronger start to early game with mana sustain and that little extra health which could be the difference between dying and not.
This will be a massive boost to damage and also good for catching out anyone with a little magic resist. Perfect item for swain because he has mid ranged attacks and the passive that goes with it matches it wonderfully.
This is situational, if there is no need for magic pen then get these bad boys for the standard tenacity and magic resist. If you notice a few of the enemy players with magic resist, I suggest getting sorcerer's shoes for the magic pen
If you are being fed early I would recommend rushing this item first as the earlier you get it the better, as it progresses your mana/health and damage throughout the early game. This can enable you to secure more kills (extra mana), survive (health) and also give you that little extra damage
This new item is pretty damn op for swain. It gives the health for a tanky boost, a lovely bit of AP, but this DOT?! give swain more dots and you will dominate!
A lovely new item. A good substitute for rabadons as its far cheaper and gives some movement speed which is underrated with swain as it is good for chasing
And to top this lovely tanky AP build we have the hourglass of OP'ness. Armour for those nasty AD champs, HUGE chunk of AP, but the most important stasis which works well as a last resort with your ulti. Go get those penta's!
If the other team has a few difficult champions with high helath then this item could turn the tides because combined with your it can burn down those high health summoners do to the damage % of health
If the other team has allot of magic resist, this is a standard item for crushing through that resist and gives a lovely boost to your damage.
Another viable item for swain as when it is combined with hourglass and your ultimate, you can do a lovely little combo to turn the tide in a team fight and basicly regen most of your health back as well.
Dependant on the situation. Try to land your stun first then follow with your E,Q and if you get close enough R. If the enemy your trying to stun is too fast/annoying, try slowing with your Q first and then catch them with W, repeat with the rest of the rotation.
Unless your feeling tanky enough stay back and await the perfect time to catch out a squishy with your stun. If their group has been damaged a bit, you can all ways initiate with your R if your tanky enough and burst down who you can. It comes with practise.
Nice DOT with a slow, 2nd skill to max out as slow increases with level
Nice skill shot stun, no need to max out as other Q&E have a higher priority
Lovely DOT with a damage enhancer, definitely max first for maxing your rotations damage
And time for the masterpiece, good for farming, damaging, surviving and team fights. Enough said
Dependant on the situation. Try to land your stun first then follow with your E,Q and if you get close enough R. If the enemy your trying to stun is too fast/annoying, try slowing with your Q first and then catch them with W, repeat with the rest of the rotation.
Unless your feeling tanky enough stay back and await the perfect time to catch out a squishy with your stun. If their group has been damaged a bit, you can all ways initiate with your R if your tanky enough and burst down who you can. It comes with practise.
Nice DOT with a slow, 2nd skill to max out as slow increases with level
Nice skill shot stun, no need to max out as other Q&E have a higher priority
Lovely DOT with a damage enhancer, definitely max first for maxing your rotations damage
And time for the masterpiece, good for farming, damaging, surviving and team fights. Enough said
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