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Fiora Build Guide by Silverflywin

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Updated on February 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Silverflywin Build Guide By Silverflywin 6,385 Views 2 Comments
6,385 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Silverflywin Fiora Build Guide By Silverflywin Updated on February 29, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



I think Fiora can be an extremely hard carry but is not viable in ranked at the moment. Kind of like master yi V0.7. But she is very fun to play and can be very rewarding.

You want to play this champion if you love getting accolades and like to kill.

You do not like this champion if you don't like no cc, "weak if not fed" champions.
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Pros / Cons

    Great base stats
    cannnot be left alone (does tons of damage)

    Short gap closers
    Random champions hit with ultimate
    slow if you can't reach enemy champion
    can die from ult bait
    squishy late game
    weak if not fed to a certain degree
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Pretty much straight forward. Can go ad marks and quints.
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Skill Sequence

I prefer maxing W over E because in lane, you never really use E because of her high cooldowns and lack of CC. With W you can easily trade with other auto attacking champions and get ahead.
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First build is for actual try hard Fiora.
Why trinity force? You get cc, damage, crits, hp, movement speed, everything.

Second build is for happy fun time Fiora.

:D Tiamat and her ult is op.
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Summoner Spells

I prefer exhaust over ignite because of the lack of cc she has.

You can take ghost or ignite. Teleport also works good, so does heal.

I prefer flash+exhaust
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Creeping / Jungling

Do not jungle with fiora. She has extremely short gap closers and someone like tryndamere or udyr is a much better pick if you want to jungle.
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Ranked Play

Remember that the first person you target with your ult will be the person you land on.

Thats all. Straight forward. Kill squishies. Don't die.
Don't get caught
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Silverflywin
Silverflywin Fiora Guide
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