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Sona Build Guide by Shin0bu

Other Order Through Music -An Alternative Sona Guide

Other Order Through Music -An Alternative Sona Guide

Updated on November 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shin0bu Build Guide By Shin0bu 2,186 Views 0 Comments
2,186 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shin0bu Sona Build Guide By Shin0bu Updated on November 29, 2012
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Hi! Thanks for taking a look at my first guide. I know what you're thinking, that my build sucks and is not viable, and to be honest it probably isn't. But nevertheless, it is a fun way to play Sona and I've done quite well using it in Normal PvP games (about 75% win ratio).

If you downvote, please give constructive criticism, I want to get better and it's the only way I can.

Apologies if the guide is a bit short....

Enjoy my first guide!
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Your role as Alternative Sona

As Alternative Sona, you will be what I like to call a "Carry with benefits" (not as dirty as it sounds). While your main goal is to deal burst with Hymn of Valor, you are still able to heal your teammates, give them useful buffs, and turn a team fight in your favour with your ulti, much like Orianna and Nunu.

Trust me, as crazy as this guide sounds, it works. Just give it a try.

Note - It is of UTMOST importance that you use the Arcade Sona skin.
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-Good early damage with Hymn of Valor
-Really fun to play
-Good escape tool
-Underestimated build
-OP ulti :D (Especially when paired with Ignite)
-Sona has awesome skins


-Squishy early game
-Your team will probably get mad at you for not playing Sona's traditional role
-Not viable for Ranked, this guide is simply for those who want to try something new

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Your build, and why you build it

Some of these items are understandable, however Ionic Spark and Nashor's Tooth are questionable. Basically, you want these items to give you good farm seeing as Sona is not very good at that. They will also drastically improve your DPS in skirmishes while Hymn of Valor is on cooldown, and make you just that little bit more useful in teamfights. If you wish, you may want to replace Ionic Spark with Guardian Angel if you find yourself dying a lot, or if you want that extra bit of survivability.
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That's all for now!

Sorry if this build was a bit short, I'm still getting used to writing them...
Note that this build may not work for everyone, but it's a lot more fun to play with than the traditional faceroll support Sona is known to be.

I hope you enjoyed what little there is to read, please give this build a try!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shin0bu
Shin0bu Sona Guide
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Order Through Music -An Alternative Sona Guide

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