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Pantheon Build Guide by demonkonga



Updated on August 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author demonkonga Build Guide By demonkonga 2,847 Views 0 Comments
2,847 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author demonkonga Pantheon Build Guide By demonkonga Updated on August 25, 2011
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My Review

Pantheon is a great char to use Simple Easy Effective.
He Fun to use and he can destroy any char with ease.
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Sup my name is Demonkonga and this is my guide and build to makin a pantheon that will give u a great Early Mid And Last but not LATE GAME.Player always say that pantheon have NO late GAME at ALL and i'm here to FIX THAT PROB.This is also my first build. Also PANTHEON IS A
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It pretty simple u want Dodge for nimbleness give u a quick burst of speed for 5 sec and in 5 sec u can burst out your simple combo.25% armor pent just mean that your Q and E is gonna be powerful. CD reduce is great for your Q.
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First start out with a doran blade all u need for early game.then u get the brutalizer and ghost blade. then u try to rush for gunblade after that.
Alot of my friend say that The bloodthirster is a much more better choice and it faster and cheaper.But what i think is that GUNBLADE IS MUCH MORE BETTER GUNBLADE>BLOODTHIRSTER Gunblade is more easily build and u get more from it as well.blood thirster is a big item u have to save up just to get it and it take to long while gunblade is more quickly build AND it also have a 700 range slow which is have very nice to have.The frozen mallet is your BEST FRIEND obvious reason HP+DMG and last but not least SLOW.Banshee obvious reason as well give u a spell shield and a fair amount of hp and mp.And now u get your atma it give u ARMOR and Crit but mostly it give u 60 by the end of the game and by that time your pantheon will be a monster.
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Ranked Play The Pantheon WAY

I try playing a rank game with my pantheon with full ad and some normal pantheon item but i found out that it suck so hard so i try to go back to normal game and play some game helping me with a build that can give me that Early Mid and late game.Item like sword of occult and blood thirster is A GREAT ITEM but the prob is that as soon as u die all your hard work and all your power just keep on fading and IT also give them a good idea who to target.Then i start using Gunblade instead of thirster and Sword of occult and what i found out was that i could Kill People with quick ease and i can chase them or escape pretty easily with gunblade and in team fight i can rape almost anybody with great ease cause MY W can just stun and steal hp. and in late game i could kill alot of people even with more ease and i survive MUCH more EASILY.At first people say panth is garbage and as soon as some of my teamate see they dodge the game and when i get a chance to face against them i just decimate them and prove them wrong
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Team Work

your team work is SIMPLY KILL the CARRY U don't SHOW start the fight and u don't let them see u. U have to KEEP a distance where they can't see u and u can SAFELY ULT THAT CARRY RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE AND JUST DESTROY THEM.In matter of second they will be like WTF JUST HAPPEN and u can easily kill all the other squisy as well.
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Xin Zhao is one of the best partner that u want if u want to dominate the entire lane.
Xin Zhao Q = knock up in the air and in any case it JUST A STUN Q+W = 2 sec stun and in 2 sec that more then enough to kill him
GANKPLANK is also a great char to partner up with cause he have slow and a crit pistol shot.
Janna is great to part up with as well but the problem is that JANNA IS hard to use and most of the time finding a good janna is REALLY HARD
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Your best prey would be char like GANGPLANK.
GANGPLANK Q IS useless on pantheon i mean useless it just bounce off his shield with ease.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author demonkonga
demonkonga Pantheon Guide
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