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Tristana General Guide by NatsuxD

Penta-Kill Tristana

Penta-Kill Tristana

Updated on February 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NatsuxD Build Guide By NatsuxD 10,042 Views 1 Comments
10,042 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NatsuxD Tristana Build Guide By NatsuxD Updated on February 24, 2012
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Welcome to my Tristana guide! ^_^

This is my first guide on MobaFire, I hope you enjoy it ^_^

Tristana was one of the very first champions I played when I first got into League of Legends. I played her when she was a free champion and soon after received her from Facebook. As my favorite and my main, I played her exclusively from level 1 all the way to level 30, constantly trying different ways of playing her and striving to improve. Ever since, I have thought to myself, saying "Tristana is a champion that suits and complements my playstyle perfectly". Now, I have settled upon a certain build and playstyle that I am willing to share.

Along the way, I met several people who said that Tristana was a "****" or "under-powered" champion. Do not listen to these people, we are obviously here to prove them wrong and to DOMINATE the Fields of Justice.

In order to do this, this build and guide will be focused on early game domination and heavy late game carrying.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NatsuxD
NatsuxD Tristana Guide
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