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Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Grab wards for enemy blue buff and keep getting blue so that you can spam tear to increase attack damage and total mana. Also blue helps you farm creeps with ease. If you die to much earily game skip getting phage and go straight for Giants belt. I like to use my Ult to destroy turrets or before I walk into a fight not before they kill me because I don't like to die.
Towards the end after getting Guardian Angel you should be strong enough to take out 2 or 3 champs with your ult. Best way to do this is by fighting and right after guardian angel activates trigger you'r ult soo that you will bring somebody down with you. Late game people dont like to 1v1 Yorick kuzz not many champs stand a chance. Exhaust then Spam Q for easy defeats. Also if you plan on soloing turrets hide in brush until minion wave passes then trigger ult and go unleash on turret until it kills your clone then retreat and wait a minute until your ult is back up... People fear the grave digger!!!
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