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Pantheon Build Guide by BanelKulle

Phanteon : The Legendary

Phanteon : The Legendary

Updated on August 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BanelKulle Build Guide By BanelKulle 1,670 Views 0 Comments
1,670 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BanelKulle Pantheon Build Guide By BanelKulle Updated on August 14, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Updates :

After playing with the "new" Pantheon I figured out that acctually the last patch increased greatly the effectiveness of my build!.Anyway i decided to republish the build after doing the proper changes!.Enjoy killing again with it :).And remember: Its only a game.

Because of my lack of time and the vast changes on the game i decided to archive the build since i dont have time to update it and improve it to the current battle situations.I want to thank all the people who voted and gave critisism to my build and motivated me to become better.Good luck & have fun.

Getting ready for the next patch.I hope they wont ruin Pantheon.Because his ulty is very important.I am not sure if those changes will be good or bad yet.I will try to keep the build updated .And thanks for all those people who readed my guide and liked it :).I am truly greatfull!.

After testing,exhaust+ignite does not work in all games good.For example if the enemies play very diffensively or have hight mobility, this combination will put you to a disadvantage.So ghost=<3.Flash is a very viable option though.Depends on your playstyle :).

Minor change in purchase order in 3rd build,improving early game damage burst.
Strugling with editing(finaly!).Because its lame reading endless lines:P


-Again placing Dorans Blade as starting item in the first build(was removed after the raised cost to 475) instead of Long sword.After endless testing proved to be wayyy better for pantheon's early game performance.
-Changed the item order a bit on 1st build imroving the early game damage of the build and its overall effectiveness.God i love this build :) !!!
-Thinking on replacing Ghost with ignite in the first build because your MS is more than average with the item purchases and it also allows you to pick up much more kills on early game by using it.

After the last nerf on heartseeker strike and Aegis of zeonia the w-e-q combo is much less powerfull and i tested a new playstyle witch is much more effective atm.I suggest the second build for the time being but i'll leave inside the first one as well because it still is functioning.

The third build is for ranked and premade games when damage is not the most important thing,but having balanced stats as well as good survive ability is.Your damage will still be outrageous because of the Atmas+Last wisper and its ArP.Be aware its not using lifesteal;.Although the build is not carved in stone.You can change some stuff if they work better for you :)
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Runes :

What i think about the runes is that the runes are just a personal choice , Maybe you like having more health and Armor then you should by those runes if you like more damage then buy those Runes i put a bit of both. Because I dont know what runes YOU like.
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Attack :

The way i use Phanteon in combat:

[*] Aegis of Zeonia
[*] Heartseeker Strike
[*] Spear Shot
[*] Spear Shot
[*] Heartseeker Strike
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BanelKulle
BanelKulle Pantheon Guide
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Phanteon : The Legendary

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