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Poppy Build Guide by CoolBunny

Poppy - Bunny Style

Poppy - Bunny Style

Updated on October 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CoolBunny Build Guide By CoolBunny 1,720 Views 0 Comments
1,720 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CoolBunny Poppy Build Guide By CoolBunny Updated on October 19, 2011
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Poppy is a hero of decision. When you attack.. it's quite often there's no turning back. Don't make bad decisions or be to aggressive. When Poppy use her "Heroic Charge" your allies will nearly always automatically join her. Therefore, if you make a bad decision, it's not only yourself who's going to die, but your team m8 as well and that's your mistake.
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Pros / Cons


    Tower Diving
    CAN be unstoppable
    High Damage
    Extremely Fast


    Worst Farmer
    Easy to lock down
    Spells Extremely Important
    Performance Depends On Laning Partner
    Low Mana, Expensive Spells
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Poppy is a perfect gank champion because of her stun and fast high damage. I therefore prefer to gain some extra speed, with her "Paragon of Demacia", she will be ultra fast and ready too initiate.

Trinity Force is the main item of a Poppy. With its 150% increased AD after using a spell and a 25% chance too slow the target by 35% in 2,5 seconds, it's perfect for Poppy. GET THE SHEEN AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!

This item is very useful, especially when the team doesn't have a Jungler. It will allow Poppy to fight minions (or jungling creeps) on her own, without going back all the time and, most important of all, getting blue buff to spell spam the minions for easier farming.

When Poppy gets this item she really starts to rock. It will make her normal damage higher and she will start critting 500-700 from time to time, which means that your basic attack start to hurt a lot.

This is THE item there will make Poppy unstoppable. It will make her crit nearly every time and the crit will be on 600-950 (depends on lvl).

This will make you capable too soloing multiple enemies. Your ulti will take out the AP champs and then the AD champs won't stand a chance.

Just for the fun of it.
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Poppy has the passive that makes all reduce all hits damaging more than 10% of her health by 50% (except towers). I like to play Poppy a bit more tanky and therefore I always play with some extra armor and magic resist. Some would maybe say it's stupid because of the passive, but I don't think it's the damage that hits exactly 10% you should be scared of. It will also help you a bit when tower diving.

Simply because it's the best runes if you wanna make more AD damage.

Notice that I'm only picking runes that also will help Poppy in early game, 'cause if you play right and your team doesn't suck, you will either way be OP or very good in mid(late)-late game.
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Focus is of course on the offensive skills. Again i have chosen to put the last 6 point in Defense, instead of Utility, for making her a bit more tanky. The 6-8 skill points in utility won't make a big difference and I would suggest to get some more armor and magic resist. It will help you to take less damage from creeps and when you get the vampiric scepter and the blue buff, you won't have to go back that often (you will gain the extra 5% xp) and your farming problems should be solved.
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Skill Sequence

Early Game (lvl 1-5): (W)*-E-Q-(Q)**
*If you got the mana
** if your E stuns and you can keep the target around long enough.ยจ

Mid-Late Game: (lvl 6-18): R-W-E-Q-(D)*-Q-E-Q-W-Q
*D = Ignite.
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Summoner Spells

The Ignite works with Poppy's ulti so it's gonna be the perfect team m8 for killing fleeing enemies and solo td.

For most part your "Paragon of Demacia" should be enough for escaping a fight, but sometimes it's just not good enough (etc. slow or multiple enemies). Then you gotta use a flash followed by a "Paragon of Demacia" and you can escape nearly any fight.
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More Will Come

Build still under construction.
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I apologize if my English sucks a bit. ^^

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League of Legends Build Guide Author CoolBunny
CoolBunny Poppy Guide
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Poppy - Bunny Style

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