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Poppy Build Guide by Anusgoblin

Poppy: Capturing turrets and being a badass *DOMINION*

Poppy: Capturing turrets and being a badass *DOMINION*

Updated on October 2, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Anusgoblin Build Guide By Anusgoblin 2,864 Views 0 Comments
2,864 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Anusgoblin Poppy Build Guide By Anusgoblin Updated on October 2, 2011
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Poppy is an anti-carry champion with great potential playing as the capturer roll in dominion. This is my first ever build guide, but the build I am going to describe gets me in the top 3 on the scoreboard 9/10 games. This build utilizes poppy's ability to move quickly across the map and capture points quickly, while still allowing her to excel in champion killing.
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Playing as a capturer means that you will want to move fast and be able to take damage and sustain yourself for a while. With that said I use flat magic pen marks, flat armor seals, and magic resistance per level glyphs.
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This setup is pretty standard for most dominion games and champions that scale with magic. It is important to put 2 points in utility mastery as this will increase the buffs given from quests and speed boosts on the map as well as the shield buff in the middle of the map.
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Boots of swiftness are definitely a top choice on poppy as she has to be close to do damage. I feel that with boots of mobility your movement speed is impaired as you always have to be close to deal damage. If the team is high in Crowd controlling effects, then I suggest mercury treads at start than than boots of swiftness. Obviously since poppy is being played as mainly a capturer, your second choice of item will be Priscilla's Blessing. This item is great for poppy because stacked with Paragon of Demacia, Poppy can hit speeds well over 500. This item has another great bonus because of it's 15% capture rate increase; self explanatory. Next grab a sheen. Poppy is moving fast and dealing decent damage, but once you grab this, hiting squishy champions for a chunk of life with Devastating Blow will come easily. Warmogs is a great choice for any player playing the role of a capturer because being able to take a bit of damage, running across the map and capturing another point is imperative to this role. Lich bane after warmogs is an excellent choice for poppy because it gives more movement speed, mana, a great unique, and more magic resistance. By the time you get lich bane you should already find yourself with a killing spree at least. Grabbing a Deathcap just makes killing champions EASY. If you can effectively ace the team because you are spamming your Q for 600-1000 damage every few seconds, you can certainly capture at least 4 turrets and win very fast.
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Skill Sequence

Getting 2 leveling of Paragon of Demacia before the game begins will help you get around the map with ease at early level. Grabbing mid solo and then going top to windmill after activating ghost will be a great advantage for your team. Maxing Devestating blow is important because you may be playing a capturer, but don't underestimate the killing power of Poppy. If you find yourself being chased down, and think you may need even more movement speed, don't hesitate to level up Paragon of Demacia over Devastating Blow.
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Summoner Spells

Ghost is important for poppy to move around the map very fast. This may be the difference in a very close game in which you get to, and capture an enemy turret before the enemy team is able to react. Taking promote with you is great for Poppy because of two main reasons: 1. Poppy lacks farming capability, taking promote takes away the need for poppy to farm with a super minion doing the work for you. 2. Having a superminion beside you while capturing a turret will greatly increase the speed of which you take that turret. These two summoner skills are definitely the best choice for Poppy while playing as a capturer.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Anusgoblin
Anusgoblin Poppy Guide
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Poppy: Capturing turrets and being a badass *DOMINION*

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