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Poppy Build Guide by Stagnant

Poppy: Gp10 Abuse

Poppy: Gp10 Abuse

Updated on January 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stagnant Build Guide By Stagnant 2,674 Views 0 Comments
2,674 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Stagnant Poppy Build Guide By Stagnant Updated on January 8, 2012
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Hello this is my first guide; Gp10 Poppy. What makes this build so effective can be broken down into 3 simple aspects:

1. Poppy Farms TERRIBLY. Taking all forms of Gp10 remedies this.
2. She can utilize all of the Gp10 items and also utilize the items they build into.
3. Offers good team support with Deathfire, Shurelya's and Randuin's.
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Pros / Cons

    Great Burst with Ult -> Deathfire -> E -> Q
    Good Damage Soak
    Good Team Support
    ~27 Gp10 with full Gp10 Items/Runes/Masteries

    Poppy's need for good positioning
    Lack of sustained damage
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Summoner Spells

Use Ghost, Flash, and Exhaust. Just a personal preference.
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Here are the times you should approximately accumulate your items.

All Gp10 items with no boots: 12-15 Minutes.
Boots and Sheen: 18-20 Minutes.
Trinity Force: 23-25 Minutes.
Full Build: Complete before 40 minutes.

These are just an average mind you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stagnant
Stagnant Poppy Guide
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Poppy: Gp10 Abuse

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