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Poppy Build Guide by WordFC

Poppy - Hammertime baby!

Poppy - Hammertime baby!

Updated on April 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WordFC Build Guide By WordFC 1,575 Views 0 Comments
1,575 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WordFC Poppy Build Guide By WordFC Updated on April 27, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Poppy
  • LoL Champion: Poppy

Words from Word

Play very def. in the start and u will pwn late game...
The idea behind this build is to lower ur cd as much as possible, then u can use ur Devastating Blow very fast again after use, that is very usefull since it is the best spell Poppy has, it dealts 8% of targets max hp + something, if u can stun them with ur charge and then just spam Devastating Blow, they are as good as dead
This build will make u very good late game, u can use ur Deplomatic Immunity on the target who deals the lowest dmg on enemy team (tank or support) then charge in on the dmg dealer on the enemy team (the ap or ad) and lead ur team into team fights, when u are sitting on ur target just spam Q and u will win, easy... Well GL HF and sry for my bad english :-ยด)=
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Summoner Spells

Instead of going ghost and ignite u can pick summoners resovle instead of summoners wrath in the mastery page and pick heal instead of ignite and also if are more of an flash guy than ghost just go with that...
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after getting the first 4 items fully build up (cd shoes, gunblade, trinity force and crown) u don't have to go for Warmorg's armor or the tooth, u can also go for infinity edge and, or abyssal scepter (or maybe something else) and u will still kick ***, I just like warmorg's armor and the tooth because i get health and again lower my cd, and then do more dmg with Devastating Blow, but then again u don't ever reach so far into a game u get the 6 items, or at least, I don't... :)
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I can go with this build with many diffrent runes, I just like to lower cd and get movement speed, but maybe thats not what fits u the best... :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WordFC
WordFC Poppy Guide
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Poppy - Hammertime baby!

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