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Poppy Build Guide by chongy

Poppy Jungle? F*** Yeah!

Poppy Jungle? F*** Yeah!

Updated on November 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chongy Build Guide By chongy 8,487 Views 0 Comments
8,487 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chongy Poppy Build Guide By chongy Updated on November 29, 2011
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Poppy jungle
So many of you are probably saying to yourself "wtf", well you probably should because I got the idea from my friend who was going convince someone that he could poppy jungle.... So I thought I would beat him to it. I have not played her very much but this game kind of sums it up.

hits massive burst damage
the level 4 gank is "devastating" ^^
the stun/knock back
extremely mobile
Paragon of Demacia makes her passively tanky early game and her passive also makes her really hard to kill.
insane ultimate

bad farmer (avoided with jungling)
can be picked off easily by ranged if not cautious
hammmer isn't big enough
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For Poppy jungle I decided to get mostly armour penetration marks to maximise damage later when you get a lot more attack damage with the critical strike chance. Next I got armour seals and attack speed glyphs. But this can replaced with cooldown per level gylphs, flat armour glyphs or flat mana regen glyphs. the marks can be replaced with flat attack damage if you don't have armour penetration but this would reduce late game damage.
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I have chosen to go down the offensive because I feel the damage and AD is useful early on. Plus, the life steal further down the offensive can be very useful. I have chosen not to the "Summoner's Wraith" because I feel that "Ghost", "Ignite", and "Exhaust" will not be necessary as Poppy has the knock back/stun with "Heroic Charge".
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You want to follow the build at the start when picking up cloth armour and 5 health pots otherwise you will find it a bit of a struggle later on when picking up red. alternative for the build could be to switch The bloodthirster with hextech gunblade but it will reduce your damage later. you could also replace Wriggle's lantern with a madred's Bloodrazor. but this can be risky as you will have to wait until later to get life steal. and will slow you item purchases drastically. other then that I think that any other changes would be pointless and would not be any more benefit.
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Summoner Spells

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Creeping / Jungling

For the jungle you want to get a good pull on the ancient golem (blue buff) then you smite the golem when it has 475 health, or less. Then you want to move onto wolf camp (hitting the big wolf with devastating blow), then move to wraith camp (targeting the blue wraith and hitting it with devastating blow). Then you will need to move onto golem camp hitting them when you can with devastating blow. Finally head onto Elder lizard and smite the Lizard when it is on 550 health(remebering to target the lizard with devastating blow).NOTE: never use the paragon of Demacia active because it wastes mana and will only help when ganking lanes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chongy
chongy Poppy Guide
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Poppy Jungle? F*** Yeah!

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