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Poppy Build Guide by CryoSquirrel

Poppy - Powerful Midget

Poppy - Powerful Midget

Updated on September 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CryoSquirrel Build Guide By CryoSquirrel 2,720 Views 0 Comments
2,720 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CryoSquirrel Poppy Build Guide By CryoSquirrel Updated on September 21, 2011
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This is an unfinished version. Please do not rate until finished unless you REALLY need to. More information will be added so use the items, runes and skills set along with the small amount of information given for the time being.

This a build I did from scratch. Instead of just voting it down please try it and leave comments on how it can improve. I would like to constantly add to this and make it better as I get help.
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Poppy's' play type

Poppy is a melee assassin hero who has 2 melee abilities and 2 buffs. She has great burst damage with ability power. The initial Heroic Charge has potential for massive damage and a stun which will allow another for your Devastating Blow. You have two buffs, one being Paragon of Demancia(Granting extra Attack Damage and Armor on hit or full if used) and the other your ultimate, being Diplomatic Immunity (Granting Immunity from all damage except from your target who you deal 20% extra damage too).
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Pros / Cons

- Good chaser
- High burst damage
- Good in team fights

- Squishy if skills aren't used right
- Only melee
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How To Play

Poppy should mainly be used to target the squishy carries and can pop her ultimate on a hero not targeting her if she is switched too. Heroic Charge should always be the initial move followed with Devastating Blow. You can then choose to stay on the target using your buffs if need be or pull back and attempt to go in again after your cool downs are done.
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As stated before Poppy has great burst damage and it good in many situations. But to fully use Poppy to the best of her abilities you must learn the when, what and why about your moves. The two damage moves are straight forward and should be used as first thought of (Always remembering to charge into a wall). But you can use the ultimate and Demancia buff a little different. The Demancia buff is best used along with the Guinsoo's Rageblade as it gives attack speed and Ability Power.
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All items on this build are used for a reason. There is not much defensive items as you have two buffs which both can be used for survivability along with two summoner spells. All items you buy should be adapted to the game. My recommended items are:

Berserker's Greaves - Shoes you should have early in the game and is mainly used for speed and damage to get the buff up along with Guinsoo's Rageblade quickly.

Guinsoo's Rageblade - Along with the buff that Poppy has it is really needed. Together they give Attack Damage, Armor, Ability Power and Attack Speed.

Trinity Force - All round item. All the increases it gives poppy majorly benefits from including the 150% extra damage after an ability which will majorly help the burst damage.

Infinity Edge - Increases damage, critical strike chance and critical strike damage. This will help do damage while Popp

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Summoner Spells

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League of Legends Build Guide Author CryoSquirrel
CryoSquirrel Poppy Guide
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Poppy - Powerful Midget

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