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Poppy Build Guide by relsun01

Poppy: The AP Heavy Hitter

Poppy: The AP Heavy Hitter

Updated on August 30, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author relsun01 Build Guide By relsun01 2,928 Views 0 Comments
2,928 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author relsun01 Poppy Build Guide By relsun01 Updated on August 30, 2011
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Alright so welcome to my first build and my Poppy build. I find Poppy to be very good at being a Melee/AP Carry. So that is how I built her.
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With my runes I went with Armor, Health and Health regeneration. This is because you are going to need the high health to take multiple hits, high armor to decrease the power of your opponents attacks and the Health Regeneration to get your health back quickly so your ready for the next battle.
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Summoner Spells

I get Revive and Teleport for one reason. Revive gets me increased movement speed and health. Teleport to get around the map much quicker. You could also take, Ghost, Exhaust, Flash. You could get Ignite.

The only Summoner spells I highly look down at getting are.
Clairvoyance: Just stupid
Clarity: Eh...It's okay. I wouldn't use it.
Well....I'm to lazy to write the basicly none of the Summoner Spells other then those up there!
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My Mastery Tree is 21/1/8 I do this to get my boost in Offense, the boost on my revive summoner spell and to get a boost on my teleport summoner spell. Also to get the increase mana and exp.
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Skill Sequence

My Skill Sequence is pretty much getting your main AP moves first, your Ultimate Move when you can and
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League of Legends Build Guide Author relsun01
relsun01 Poppy Guide
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Poppy: The AP Heavy Hitter

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