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Poppy Build Guide by guext19

Poppy the assasin!

Poppy the assasin!

Updated on March 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author guext19 Build Guide By guext19 2,009 Views 0 Comments
2,009 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author guext19 Poppy Build Guide By guext19 Updated on March 29, 2012
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I've trying this build in some matchs so I want to share what do this build.

In this "build" get attack damage and drain life, something very important which added to the Poppy skills and team collaboration will make you have good stats
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Pros/Cons of this build


- after lvl 5-6, Poppy will start to do some important damage
- When you will be in a teamfight (not alone) your habilities and your damage(attack) and lifedrain will help you so much
- if you get monster buffs you will be more OP.
- Can be unstoppable


- It's hard to farm
- If Poppy gets stunned , can die easily (if you are leaving)
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The legend of Poppy (history)

While other young yordles would play skip-step and make wreaths out of braided posies, Poppy was earning calluses and grease stains in her father's armor shop. Blomgrun was a well-respected armorsmith, and he named his daughter for the sprightly sounds that accompanied the sparks leaping from his ever-burning forge. He was filled with pride when she was first able to lift his trusty hammer, Whomper. One day, Blomgrun was comissioned to create a glorious helm for a Demacian general. Word of the charge was leaked to the Noxian High Command, and two of their best spies ambushed Blomgrun's caravan en route. Though Poppy escaped with the helm, she helplessly watched as her father was slain. Instead of fleeing home, she carried the helm to Demacia alone. When the Demacian general saw the grim determination behind the tears in her eyes, the general requested that the leadership of Bandle City appoint Poppy as the yordle ambassador to Demacia. Soon after, seeking to crush Noxus with her father's hammer, Poppy volunteered for the League of Legends.

Poppy may be small, but Whomper - or her will - is not.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author guext19
guext19 Poppy Guide
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Poppy the assasin!

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