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Poppy Build Guide by dareyoutofeedme

Poppy- The Hybrid Click and Nuke

Poppy- The Hybrid Click and Nuke

Updated on September 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dareyoutofeedme Build Guide By dareyoutofeedme 2,220 Views 0 Comments
2,220 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dareyoutofeedme Poppy Build Guide By dareyoutofeedme Updated on September 21, 2011
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Honestly, I know this is a weird sounding build. But honestly, I found a Poppy build that I actually consistently do well with <3 So basically I'm just sharing it with the community. This build gives you the AP to just nuke and stun your opponent and then the DPS/AD to chase em down and kill them if they survived or if there is a second attacker.
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Skill Sequence

Basically here is what I do when I'm in a fight. Its the typical Poppy sequence, Pop your ult on someone, then attack with your E and then your Q. This should get them down to about 20% hp. Then just finish em off with your dps until your Q comes back up and then use to to get the kill and celebrate by pressing that sexy /dance :D
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Pros / Cons

Pros- Nuke Ability, DPS for chasing, Sustainability with the Lifesteal/Spellvamp and the armor.
Cons- Many will tell you that your building poppy wrong until the see your score at the end of the game. Also, your extremely mana hungry.
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Whenever I get the chance, I will add some screenshots.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dareyoutofeedme
dareyoutofeedme Poppy Guide
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Poppy- The Hybrid Click and Nuke

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