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Poppy Build Guide by matengon

Poppy will go poopy on you!

Poppy will go poopy on you!

Updated on August 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author matengon Build Guide By matengon 1,470 Views 0 Comments
1,470 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author matengon Poppy Build Guide By matengon Updated on August 4, 2012
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You first start out with the Boots of speed so that you can get to your enemies fast. You then get the Bezerker's grieves so that you can have attack speed which will be helpful. The trinity force will allow you to be much faster and deal great amount of damage. The phantom dancer will make you even more faster with faster atttack speed. The infinity edge will let you cause great damage because of the unique active and the phantom dancer. The last whisper will give you armor penetration when going up against tanks such as MUNDO. Finally, the bloodthirster will allow poppy to get more health which each hit and she will have a huge amount of AD.
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Skill Sequence

You start out with the devastating blow so that you can run to your enemies with your fast speed (because of boots) and you will then cause a great deal of damage. Then you will add to heroic charge so that you have a chance to stun them and also do a lot of damage. You will also be able to push yourself to them so that you can catch up to them and use devastating blow. Then the PARAGON OF DEMACIA will allow you to have a lot of extra ad and defense because of the passive and if you are in trouble you can run away from the action because of the active. You can also catch up to enemies with the active. The ulti is good because if the other team has a bad attacker, you can focus them and that means that you will be immune to the better attackers.
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For my poppy you will have an ad carry. The masteries will give more AD and armor penetration. It is also good for poppy to be dead for a small amount of time so that she can quickly get back into action.
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POPPY IS AMAZING. SHE HITS VERY HIGH AND SHE TAKES DOWN A LOT OF THE ENEMIES HEALTH WITH Q (HINT HINT). Thank you for reading this guide. Hope you give a thumbs up :).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author matengon
matengon Poppy Guide
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Poppy will go poopy on you!

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