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Poppy Build Guide by GaZ MinT

Poppy's having fun

Poppy's having fun

Updated on April 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GaZ MinT Build Guide By GaZ MinT 1,927 Views 0 Comments
1,927 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GaZ MinT Poppy Build Guide By GaZ MinT Updated on April 8, 2012
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This guide is a build i have taken from other guides and sort of manipulated to work for me. It is really good if you know when to leave a fight as it is not very good for defense and after a while people are going to target you in team fights. Can go either two ways with the last item, if i'm destroying a team and they are not really doing any damage to me, i will get a blood thirster, if i do not need a bit of defense, hit up a thorn mail.
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For Runes, I don't have pics to show you, but if you can and have, hit up all the crit runes you can, deck that **** out with critical runes.
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Items i get, i start off with boots and 3 pots, i then get a Sheen, buy this time i can just buy the first two bottom items. So after a sheen i get boots of swiftness, then move on to a tri force, after that hit up a phantom dancer and then infinity edge getting the bf sword first obviously, then another phantom dancer, can either then get a blood thirster or a thorn mail depending on your opponents.
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Summoner Spells

I usually get Ghost and Flash.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GaZ MinT
GaZ MinT Poppy Guide
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Poppy's having fun

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