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Zilean Build Guide by Edgar Allan Pwnd

Pro as heck guide to andy (AD ZILEAN)

Pro as heck guide to andy (AD ZILEAN)

Updated on June 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Edgar Allan Pwnd Build Guide By Edgar Allan Pwnd 2,350 Views 0 Comments
2,350 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Edgar Allan Pwnd Zilean Build Guide By Edgar Allan Pwnd Updated on June 4, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



This is andys build to zilean, it became officially cool when he performed a support gank that earned him a triple kill
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Any more attack speed you can gain will help, late game it will be helpful to have these runes.
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Offensive masteries are the only way to go, dont get them, and you become Jake
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Item list is solid, when you complete the build, you may also want to buy a few more phantom dancers to balance out your stats.
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Skill Sequence

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Summoner Spells

The only other permittable spells are rally and garrison, the best spells ever
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Pros / Cons

Pros- Awesome, awesome, best AD carry in the game, andys champ, easy to farm with, highest pentakill ratio, sexy as hell, legit, awesome

*Cons do not exist in the world of Zilean
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Creeping / Jungling

Jungle zilean is perhaps the best jungler ever, his ganks are like seans ability to feed, through the roof
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Team Work

trick question, you dont need a team, You're zilean, and badass by extension, if you have a team, you're a nooblord X1000000000000000
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Unique Skills

Casusing time to reverse tom nprevent him from dying, ever
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zileans r simultaneously kills every enemy on the map, and has a 3 sec cooldown, use this to farm extensively (Champs, and jungle creeps included)
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In summary ZIlean is the most badass champ ever, if you dont play him, uninstall system 32.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Edgar Allan Pwnd
Edgar Allan Pwnd Zilean Guide
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Pro as heck guide to andy (AD ZILEAN)

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