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Ryze General Guide by hardfrost

Middle pro mid ryze

Middle pro mid ryze

Updated on October 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hardfrost Build Guide By hardfrost 1,876 Views 0 Comments
1,876 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hardfrost Ryze Build Guide By hardfrost Updated on October 6, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



ryze is an underplayed overpowered champ, a great early game dmg and lategame sustain
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i take mana blus to give me great early game dmg since ryze benfits more from mana then i take
magic rez quint beacause ur porably meeting a ap champ and mising mr since u got mana blues
and u need mr then yeloow i take hp cause they are the olny seals worth buyin exept armour.
and mr pen for obvious reasons
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i take 30 points i utility i+and i belive u all think that is stupid but think again
mana 16 mana =more u get 16 mana =more dmg than 4 ap, but wait there s mor u get 16 mana per level . at the final build u will have more than 4000 mana wich when comn+bined with strength of spirit grants 40 addiconal hp per 5 (mobafire doesnt calculate the hp per 5 from stregnth of spirit) and since u have 600 mana at the begining u ll have an additional 6 hp per 5 at the beggining of the game
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Skill Sequence

maxin overload(Q)ooldowns is quite inportant it deacresas all your cooldows and is your main damage source it,s pretty much all that matters
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Summoner Spells

i mainly suggest flash and ignite but these will work as well:

-heal not efficent late game but will ensure first blood when combined with ignite

-surge altough i don,t suggest it it may secure a kill

-teleport mobility
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they are all viable just take my word,
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hardfrost
hardfrost Ryze Guide
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pro mid ryze

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