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Morgana Build Guide by shab



Updated on August 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shab Build Guide By shab 2,278 Views 0 Comments
2,278 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shab Morgana Build Guide By shab Updated on August 29, 2011
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morgana was the first champ that i considered to b my main, like all the other builds 3 levels of pool for farming, max q since it has crazy damage output, then sheild then finish off pool. if i am able to get stacks i will get mejais, otherwise i will build rod first since i am not doing all that well. then just get the items when you can cause her sheild is super helpful in fights. i normally try to pool then snare but it usually works out the other way, especially since they reduced the size of the hit box on her snare. now i am just in shock sometimes when i "miss" but ive seen this build where my q was taking out half the health of a fidlesticks or any other squishy champion, most games void staff isnt required because masteries runes are normaly enough, but if they are stacking mr get void staff either before or after hourglass your prefrence. now my win percentage isnt that goood although positive, this is prmarily do to me being a noob at first and plaing ranked beofre i started to really understand the gameplay in league of legends. since then i would say i have won around 60% of my games, and since the last patch like 75% of my games. morgana has become relavant again which is why i am posting this build.

Feel free to comment on the build. I based my build off of the morgana prime build. This build has suited "MY" playstyle and will not work for everyone. I am that ******* on the other team that is always keeping lanes pushed preventing you from pushing towers.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shab
shab Morgana Guide
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