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Evelynn Build Guide by 66lew

Jungle "She's a 10; but she's not Platinum. "

Jungle "She's a 10; but she's not Platinum. "

Updated on July 28, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 66lew Build Guide By 66lew 742 Views 0 Comments
742 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 66lew Evelynn Build Guide By 66lew Updated on July 28, 2022
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Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

"She's a 10; but she's not Platinum. "

By 66lew
Why do you play Eve Jungle;
Eve is a jungling assassin; which works in contingencies of liability in responsibility in terms which are held in contingencies of responsibility in determination in the case which is assumed; case which is litigated in the discussion which is assumed; determination in the function which the case-

1.gank potential
2.find targets.
3.extremely high level ability to scale.
4.damage potential.

1.pre 6 damage accountability;
2.contingencies of getting camped.
3.difficulty in scaling.
Jungle logic;
Determination in the function which is held; case which is impotent in the term which is held accountable in the determination by the function which is assumed; determination in the case which AP (litigation)+ determination;

Using basic maths- on match ups;
EVE is losimng presix- so how do I counter the contingencies of this responsibility in determination in the function which is held;
The case apparent in the case which is apparent in determination is the function which is held accountable to the term which is assumed; in the case which contingently;
Damagae litigation; picking spots-

Best spots to skirmish; Scuttle; Wraiths; Counter;
Contingencies of responsibility which is held in Scuttle, Wraiths; Counter;

Contingencies of damage control;
AP litigation in responsibility in determination; |
Function in the case- of ++ damage;
Spike (WEQ) combo;skirmish; in the case which is arbitrated; in the litigation;
Determination in the case of damage control; liability in determination;
Function which is assumed; determination in the case of AP litigation in the case;
Term which is imposed; determination in the function which is assumed;
So the case- spike Q contingencies (WE) liability in responsibility in the terms which is held; Contingencies in the term which is imposed;
case inclined;

DD++ damage; Contort AA (A) Strike; determination in the function which is held; accountable to the term which is assumed; case which is inclined; determination in the function which is assumed; (AA) Contor ; distribution of action which is assumed; Case which is inclined of AA - (strike contort) function to (QWE) function in the case;

hit combo in determination in the case; contorts moves which are assumed; in determination in function; so therefore by the case which is assumed; the case which is imposed in the case which is held by the term which is assumed; AA contort *function* in determination; f****ional to the case which is assumed; case inclined; determination in the function- case impotent in the case which is inclined; impotent to the relevancy of the case which is held; determination in the case which is assumed; case inclined in hit combo;
QWER; function is liable in determination in the case of function; of AA- determination;

So hypoethetically line up match up;

Enemy; Jungler; determination in the case which is assumed; case which is inclined- case which is impsoed- which inclined- determination in the case which is assumed;

hitbot- (AA)(WE):QAQ (^) (R)
To liability in determination of the maths which is encounted in the case which is assumed; in the contingencies of using the champion which is encompassed; contingencies of the case which is apparent; to the term of hitbox contingencies- in the liability of determination in the case which is held; case which the usage.
Problems getting counter Jungled?
Camp invasion is a problem which Eve suffers in contingencies of liability in determination in the case which is held- by determination in the function which is assumed; by the case which the inclination; determination in the case which camp invasion is a term which is imposed- as the case which is inclined- by determination of the case which is inclined in the case which is imposed- case which is inclined- determination in the case function which is assumed; case which is inclined- Function which is assumed;
Case determination; Function (case determination) function of camp;

++ trinket + Red ward- Haste ward value;
Haste ward value determination in the case which is assumd which the case of imposition in the case which is inclined; determination in the case which is assumed; in the case which is inclined;

(Rush H***te)
Rune hashing; contingencies to assume; liability in hitbot;
Critical runes (Ability Haste)
Determination in the case which is impsoed- in the case which is liable in determination;
Case of crti function= (ability function) case determinant; functional;

Therefore rune hashing;
Rune hasing is the term used when SITUATIONAL; rune contingencies are used;
When to use Rune hashing;
straight contingencies of evaluation in determination in the function which is assumed; case which is inclined- function which assumed; determination in the function;
inclination of mobilization; in the term which is imposed;

Rune hasing determination;
++ (scale) Scale determination;
Determination in scale- Functional to the term which is held;
Contingencies of the responsibility of evaluating according to match up;

mobi haste rush- legit strat- of the contingencies of understanding matchup;
knowledge in the contingencies of damage DD(+); term which is inclined;
Function in the case of DD (AA); + value has determination;

DD+ ; AA function; case litigation; of arbitration in responsibility;
D(AA);; QWER; function to clause of combo; contingencies of moves which are inclined;
Pathing contingencies
how do I start contingencies of pathing maneveurs- in the case which is inclined;
Determination in the case which is assumed; case which is assumed; determination in the case- which is assumed; determination in the case which is inclined; determination in the case which is assumed; case determination in the case-

Pathing litigation; leash + value which is assumed;
Ward tri river; scuttle bush; liability; in the case of (gank potential)
start; make sure invasion in liability in determination; has not been mnet; in the case which is inclined; in determination in the case which is assume ;

(gank potential); liability in determination in the case which is imposed;
Liability of ++ functional values; which are inclined; function which is assumed;
case of liability of potential AA pathing route;
> opportunity to skirmish; level (2)- on tribush function which is assumed; in determination in the case which is inclined; in ++ value in the contingencies of responsibility which is determined by the case which is held; functional to the case which is imposed- by the term which is inclined- by the function which;

Inference determination.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 66lew
66lew Evelynn Guide
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"She's a 10; but she's not Platinum. "

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