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Rengar Build Guide by Glenny22

AD Offtank Rengar 'TONIGHT, WE HUNT!'

AD Offtank Rengar 'TONIGHT, WE HUNT!'

Updated on September 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glenny22 Build Guide By Glenny22 1,773 Views 0 Comments
1,773 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Glenny22 Rengar Build Guide By Glenny22 Updated on September 20, 2012
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Rengar 'King of the JUNGLE' Intro

Hey guys and girls. Ive been playing rengar since his release and found a build that seems to excel on him. Early game it isnt the strongest but mid to late it is perfect for him.

Rengar is the ultimate champion for ganking because of his ultimate. Lasts 7 seconds which is enough time for you to activate it far far away from any wards that may be placed by the enemy . Early game this is perfect for getting the crucial kills.

Late game use this ability to gank and take out their ad carry and any other squishys 1st. In a team fight where you are low on health run back towards base, activate you ulti and run back to the fight to pick up some kills. Ive found this scares the enemy and they end up running and splits them up.

I WILL UPDATE THIS GUIDE BIT BY BIT. Be Patient its my first :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glenny22
Glenny22 Rengar Guide
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