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Warwick Build Guide by goddamnit

Rockwick Tank/dps build

Rockwick Tank/dps build

Updated on November 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author goddamnit Build Guide By goddamnit 2,017 Views 1 Comments
2,017 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author goddamnit Warwick Build Guide By goddamnit Updated on November 3, 2011
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Hello my name is Mat. This is my first guide here on MobaFire and I hope you like it.
I will not be doing much writing because I hate doing that I'm just going to state the most important things.

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Who is Warwick Rock?

RockWick is a tank and dps that is very good at team figts and can take much damage and deal medium damage.

Look here

1 defeat and there we had 2 afks.

Now look at the stats

As you can see he can take damage
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Warmog's Armor

Try to kill as my creeps and heroes when you but Warmog's Armor that will make you more durable.
You get 4.5 health and 1.5 health regen per 5 sec for every minion you kill and 10x more for killing Heroes or assisting in killing.
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Team Work

Team Work is pretty needed when playing with WW as in any game.
WW uses his ultimate and you own the hero that your team is attacking.
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For masteries I take 9 in offence and 21 utility. That is pretty good for ranked games and gives your more durability in fights.
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The runes that I took make you more durable in early game and you will be more durable at the start.
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Summoner Spells

Ignite will help you in fights pop up ignite and you will own the other champ.

Flash can be used in 2 situations when chasing and running away and Its pretty useful.
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Creeping / Jungling

This is not a jungling build but I need to explain something. More creeps you kill more hp and hp regen you get that I pretty simple. You will own at late game.
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End Speach

This is my first build and I hope you like it. I am playing with this character now and I hope you like it.
I will be making more guides in the future.

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