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Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Tristana is a very good hitter and chaser...on ganks...Tristana can support her teammates, kill opponents, and step out of the gank if necessary...Tristana is a late gamer so before you do what i said should have enough range and good atk damage...cause if you don't have're probably be dead right thing to remember...don't initiate clashes... also be alert and check the map from time to time cause if the other team ganked you...there's only a small percentage that you can survive...even if you have your rocket jump and always with your tank/or team members...cause they are your safeguard while blowing cannon balls away...BY THE WAY...IF YOU THNIK THIS BUILD IS NOT YOUR TYPE...YOU COULD FREELY POST A COMMENT HERE FOR MY IMPROVEMENT...GOODLUCK AND ENJOY TRISTANA!!!
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