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Ryze Build Guide by Nailyo

Ryze mana carry

Ryze mana carry

Updated on January 18, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nailyo Build Guide By Nailyo 3,167 Views 0 Comments
3,167 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nailyo Ryze Build Guide By Nailyo Updated on January 18, 2012
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Before I start I want to say that I do not speak much English.

let's start

Hello Ryze enthusiasts!

This is my first guide and it took me a while to get the motivation to finally make one for
someone. As you all know they're are lots and lots of Ryze guides out there so whats the appeal
of this over any other where the guide pretty much tells you how Ryze can build mana items....
get armor..... still do damage...... blah blah blah. Everything the generally interested new
coming Ryze player will already know and just be told again. This guide will give you more do and don'ts and with items and for play style.
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Pros / Cons


Very good Ap dps
An excellent pusher
Good Team fighter


The only thing I can say bad is
that it requires much mana
early in the game
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Early/Mid/Late game

There is some speculation of how to set Ryze up be it 9/0/21 or to go 0/9/21. Truth is there is no solid way. However I STRONGLY suggest to not go 0/9/21 Reason some people go 0/9/21 incase you wondering is for the "Strength of Spirit"mastery.Maxed out this will regenerate your health per 5 but 1% of you max mana. Its not worth it.Quick example when you have a decent of amount your items you generally will have around 3500-4000 mana pool. 1% of 4000 mana is40.40 health per 5 when your a character people will want to focus is not something that will make a damn bit of difference in any part of the game. My reasoning is this.

Early game:
Your damage sucks even more than his weaker than average early casts already do and the 1% of a low mana pool will do jack and **** for you.

Mid game

Mana pool still isn't at its best and the lane phase is over by now. So your need to be able to regenerate your health and stay somewhere wont be as high. Even whatever amount this mastery will give is hardly worth mentioning at this point. Your also losing out on 3% CDR which on Ryze is actually a big deal. I'll get into it later.

Late game:

Woohoo! you have an additional 40-50 health per 5. Whats that do.............. Nothing.
Ryze not?? Obviously in a fight you'll be getting worked down much faster than any health per 5 will be healing and if you need health out of a fight you will be running around for a group of minions to use your spell vamp on to heal up. So all in all don't take it.Personally I take 9/0/21 due how I lane which is aggressive as can be. If you go 0/9/21 you WILL notice the difference in damage. You will be much less threatening.

As for the 21 in utility its just the best thing for Ryze having the most on CDR and magic regen plus summoner spells.
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Skill Sequence

I use this sequence of spells: -->-->--> If that does not repeat it again
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Farming helps you alot getting gold and experience so you would farm all as you can.

To farm i like to use this skill sequence:
>. You are the ap carry of the game so you need to fed yourself all as you can.
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The end.

Of course I am open to suggestions. I feel very strongly about mana per level runes being lackluster but I am willing to listen to other thoughts of what can be used. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think :D

- Nailyo

Ryze can deal a lot of damage and take a lot of damage, but he lacks some mobility. There is not too much build variety with him, but build order is really important and variable depending on the situation. I find him very fun to play.

Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve my guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nailyo
Nailyo Ryze Guide
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Ryze mana carry

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