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Ryze Build Guide by BALIK

Ryze- Tha Killah

Ryze- Tha Killah

Updated on March 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BALIK Build Guide By BALIK 2,023 Views 0 Comments
2,023 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BALIK Ryze Build Guide By BALIK Updated on March 17, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Ryze is an absolutely amazing champ, You can dominate mid, top and bottom lane. He is extremely easy to play with.
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Extremely OP
Can kill freely if played properly


Low health Pool
Very slow
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I normally start off with boots of speed, 2 health potions and a mana potion. (Btw i didn't put pots in the build) (Sorry :S ).

i rush my boots and try to get tear of the goddess for some damage output on some of his skills.

Mid game

after i get boots and tear of the goddess, i get rabadon's deathcap for some serious damage output and with the mana from the tear, tons of damage will be dealt.

i build archangels staffs. it gives mana and ability power. when you build loads, the 3% mana converts into a ton of Ap
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tell me what im doing wrong and ill make better builds and guides

P.S: sorry for my terrible spelling and grammer
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BALIK
BALIK Ryze Guide
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Ryze- Tha Killah

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